Cooking (2)

While they were preparing everything in the kitchen, Mo family’s chef (surname Lu) came too to ask if they needed any help.

Yun Xi did know how to cook but she was still not perfect in cleaning fish scales and all as she used to tell the fish seller to clean the fish every time she cooked before. So she asked chef Lu to clean the fish for her. Chef Lu began to clean the fish attentively without any complaint. It took him just 5-8 minutes to clean the fish and cut it into pieces for stew.

On the other hand, Yun Xi began to cut the tofu into pieces of about 1.5 cm. Mo Shan offered to help as he got the idea of how to cut the tofu. Yun Xi accepted his help and let him cut them.

At that time, maids with fruits and vegetables entered the kitchen and placed everything on the counter. Yun Xi checked to see if there was everything she needed and she found out that they brought almost everything which she may not even need. She was highly satisfied with fruits and vegetables as they were very fresh.

“Let’s begin”, she murmured to herself and took out the vegetables to wash them thoroughly. “Xiao Hui, you brought the camera, right? We can start to record now.”

Listening to his mother’s command, Xiao Hui began to record and gave the camera to Butler Li and pleaded, “Grandpa Li, can you please hold it and record the video.

Butler Li happily accepted it and began to record.

“Xiao Hui, come here. Let’s wash the vegetables, shall we?” Yun XI’s voice sounded again.

“Sure, mom.” Xiao Hui shouted and walked to the basin. The basin was still a bit high for his height and he could not perfectly reach there. So, Yun Xi places a small table in front of the basin to let Xiao Hui stand there and clean the vegetables. Butler Li also followed Xiao Hui with the camera.

Xiao Hui got on the table and seriously listened to what Yun Xi was saying and her actions as she washed the vegetables. He quickly got the hang of it and then began to wash them himself. Since the two of them were washing together, they quickly finished washing all the vegetables. Yun Xi then moved all the vegetables on the counter to cut them.

“Xiao Hui, I will be mincing the beef for mapo tofu, you wash the fruits too, okay?” Yun Xi told Xiao Hui after placing fruits in the basin. Xiao Hui just nodded and began to attentively clean them thoroughly.

Old Master Mo was watching them from outside. He was feeling various emotions at that moment: happy, satisfied, proud. He was reminded of his younger days when he used to help his wife in the same way in the kitchen. He was feeling very satisfied at that moment and he knew that Yun Xi was the best girl his grandson could ever have.

Yun Xi began to chop the vegetables while standing next to Mo Shan. Mo Shan also finished cutting tofu and now was watching Yun Xi cut the vegetables. When he got the hang of how to cut them, he took them from Yun Xi’s hand and began cutting himself.

Yun Xi also realized that the father and son were really good at learning. Yun Xi began cutting 2 to 3 pieces of every vegetable she needed and placed the cut pieces next to Mo Shan so that he would know how to cut every one of them. She knew that Mo Shan would understand her intention without even speaking.

At the same time, Mo Sheng came there after having long sleep. He was shocked to the core when he saw the atmosphere in the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not dreaming. He saw Old Master Mo standing near so went to ask him, “Old man, what is happening here? And has my brother gone crazy? What is he even doing in the kitchen? He will not burn down the whole kitchen today, right?”

“You brat! How can you talk of your brother like that? He is being a good husband and father right now.” Old Master Mo hit Mo Sheng’s head and answered while glaring at him from the corner of his eyes. “Hmph!” he exclaimed and turned back to watch his grandson and his family working in the kitchen.

It took them nearly 2 hours to finish cooking but Mo Shan and Xiao felt so satisfied. They never got to know that cooking was that much fun.

“Xiao Hui, you go with your father and place the plates on the dining table, okay? I will bring the dishes outside with the help of Uncle Li (Butler Li) and Uncle Lu (Chef Lu).

Xiao Hui then walked outside with Mo Shan to place the plates and spoons on the table whereas Yun Xi brought the dishes outside.

The dishes were smelling heavenly and Mo Sheng was already drooling over it. He has been following Yun Xi like her tail ever since he smelled the delicious aroma of foods. “Wow, sister-in-law, it smells so good. I bet its taste must be even better.”

Old Master Mo shook his head watching his youngest grandson’s tactics. “Aren’t you tired yet? You have been following your sister-in-law like her shadow for over an hour. Don’t make her dizzy, now just come and sit here.” He shouted.

Only then did Mo Sheng took his seat while grumbling to his old man. He just wanted to eat to his heart’s content right now. He did not get to eat such homemade foods abroad and he was missing them greatly. Now did he finally get to eat, he could not wait to dig in.

Yun Xi smiled seeing Mo Sheng’s sullen face. She got a look from Old Master Mo and she immediately understood his intention. So, she nodded her head and walked towards Mo Sheng and served him the food first.

Mo Sheng saw that he was the first one to be served, he immediately became happy and thanked Yun Xi, “Sister-in-law, thank you. I knew you are the best.”

Butler Li and Chef Lu also helped to serve the food. After they were served, Mo Shan called Yun Xi to sit next to him. Yun Xi was shy at first but still went to sit next to him.

“Xiao Hui, come sit next to me. I will feed you. And Uncle Li, Uncle Lu, why are you guys standing there? Come have a seat and eat with us.” Yun Xi beckoned them.

Butler Li and Chef Lu were happy seeing that their young miss was so nice and even treated them so nicely. But they never dared to eat sitting with Mo’s as their level was nowhere near. So, they bowed their head to Yun Xi and said, “Young miss, you can eat. We will eat after a while.”

Before Yun Xi could say something, Old Master Mo’s voice sounded, “Come on now. Your young miss is asking of you people for the first time. So, don’t reject her and just take a seat here. Bring additional plates, bowls, and chopsticks for you people, then take a seat and just dig in silently. But first, bring one serving to Lara upstairs.”

Butler Li and Chef Lu did not dare to eat with their masters nor did they dare to reject Old Master Mo and Yun Xi. So, after some contemplation, they took a seat and began to eat silently. Butler Li called a maid to bring a serving upstairs for Lara.

Yun Xi also began to feed Xiao Hui. Actually, Xiao Hui already knew how to eat by himself neatly but to be fed by his mother, he did not say anything and just began to eat whatever Yun XI fed him. He even ate some vegetables which he hated because he thought that his mother would find him very picky.

Mo Shan noticed that his son was eating even vegetables he hated. He raised his eyebrows but did not comment on it.

That night, Xiao Hui ate 2 bowls of rice which never happened till that day. Old Master Mo was so happy seeing that. Not only Xiao Hui, even Mo Shan, and Old Master Mo had more rice than normal whereas Mo sheng had whole 4 bowls of rice and even ate all the side dishes without leaving anything on the table.

Yun Xi also felt good when she saw that they liked the food she prepared. She even decided to prepare Xiao Hui’s lunch box from now on every day and promised herself to cook more.

“Mommy, the dishes you prepared were the best. They are so tasty.” Xiao Hui exclaimed happily while rubbing his stomach.

“That’s right, sister-in-law. You should cook more. They are really delicious, even comparable to high-class restaurants.

“You brat, how can you ask your sister-in-law to cook for you? Instead, you should be serving her.” Old Master Mo scolded Mo Sheng.

“Are you full?” Mo Shan asked Yun XI in a low voice as he saw that she was feeding Xiao Hui most of the time and all the dishes were eaten at fast speed by his idiot brother.

“I am full. Your family is really nice.” Yun Xi whispered to him and smiled at him.

Mo Shan’s heart warmed and he patted Yun Xi’s head gently and whispered, “You are really a good chef.”

Even Butler Li and Chef Lu were showering Yun Xi with all the praises which made her embarrassed.

Yun Xi stood up to clean the dishes but Butler Li did not let her and instead called maids to clean them.