
About 30 minutes after dinner, everyone was seated in the living hall watching the news on TV and having some fruits. Old Master Mo called Butler Li and whispered something in his ears. Butler Li nodded his head at Old Master Mo in understanding and left from there.

Yun Xi was sitting on the couch with Xiao Hui on her lap and Mo Shan next to her. She was listening to the news and was describing the news to Xiao Hui in simple language so he could understand better. She was engrossed in her task so she did not see Old Master Mo and Butler Li’s actions. But Mo Shan and Mo Sheng noticed it but did not say anything as they had probably guessed what they were talking about.

After a while, Butler Li returned with something which looked like a box and some papers in his hand. He handed those belongings to Old Master Mo and take a few steps back.

“Xiao Xi, come here for a while.” Old Master Mo called Yun Xi.

Yun Xi heard Old Master Mo calling her so she put Xiao Hui on the couch and walked towards Old Master Mo and politely asked, “Yes, Grandpa. Do you need anything?”

“Come, sit next to grandpa. I don’t need anything. I just wanted to give you something. Here, take it.” Old Master Mo handed her something which looked like a jewelry box. Yun Xi took it doubtfully and when she opened it, she saw an emerald pearl choker. As a designer and appraiser of jewelry herself, she knew that the choker she was given was of very fine quality and there were not many jewels of such type in the world.

Yun Xi was shocked and quickly gave it to Old Master Mo and said, “Grandpa, this is so expensive and precious. I can't take it.”

Old Master Mo did not take it back and instead said, “Xiao Xi, you are now my granddaughter-in-law and Mo family’s daughter-in-law, I did not give it to you so that you could return it to me. I gave you this because I really liked and enjoyed your cooking today, this is for your hard work. If you do not like it, then you do not need to wear it but it contains my blessing for you, so don’t reject it, okay?”

“Grandpa, I like it very much. But this is too precious for me to accept it.” Yun Xi replied curtly.

This time Mo Shan stood up and walked to Yun Xi, then said, “Accept it. It’s grandpa’s love for you. Moreover, you are my wife now and you will be getting lots of these from now, so you do not have to feel the burden, hmmm?” With that, he patted her head.

Mo Sheng also spoke up nonchalantly, “Come on, sister-in-law, take it. Moreover, this old man is really thrifty. He does not gift us much, so when he is giving, just take it from him.”

“What did you say, you brat? Do you want your finance to be cut off from your account? Moreover, why do you need gifts when everything is provided to you in silver patter?” Old Master Mo scowled at his grandson.

Mo Sheng was having fun teasing his childish grandfather, so he even made a face at him sticking out his tongue.

“Ugly” Xiao Hui spoke looking at his uncle.

“What? What did you say? Ugly? Me? My dearest nephew, you may not know this, but girls swarm this truly all the time.” Mo Shen smugly said.

“Then, those girls must be blind. Uncle, do you really think that you look cute by making those faces? You look stupid.” Xiao Hui replied.

Old Master Mo laughed out loud at those words and praised Xiao Hui, “Hmph, my Xiao Hui knows the best.” Then he turned to Mo Sheng and scowled, “You really look ugly.”

Mo Sheng did not have any words to reply to them, so he kept his mouth shut but did not forget to glare at them.

Yun Xi interrupted them and spoke accepting the choker necklace from Old Master Mo, “Thank you for the gift, Grandpa. I will cherish it.”

“Mmm, grandpa is happy that you accepted it. Here, take this too.” He handed some papers to Yun Xi.

Yun Xi took it curiously and looked at it. But when she saw what was written on the paper, her eyes widened, “T..Th...This, grandpa this? What is this? And why does it have such a huge amount?”

Old Master Mo replied, “This is not for you. This is for the little one in your belly. I set up a trust fund for the child which she will get when she reaches her legal age. You don’t have to worry about it. I have a team of lawyers and finance experts to take care of it.”

“But grandpa, this is 100 million. Why would a child need this much money? Grandpa, I really don’t think I can accept it.” Yun Xi said to Old Master Mo.

Old Master Mo looked at her and said, “Xiao Xi, this is not for you. This is for my great-grandchild who will soon be coming into this world. And you don’t have to worry about the child growing up to be a lazy person. I have set up a condition that the amount will only be provided to them if they are selfless and know about the hardship of life. When Xiao was about to be born, I set up a trust fund for him too with the same conditions. So, you don’t have to fret about it, hmmm? Now go, you must be tired. You need more rest.”

Before Yun Xi could say something, Mo Shan cut her off and said, “Xixi, don’t worry about it. This much amount is nothing for grandfather when it comes to his great-grandchildren. When till the baby is born, he is going to spoil him rotten.”

Yun Xi was stunned, not because of his words but because he called her Xixi, that too so gently. She looked at him stupefied but when she saw him also looking at her, she quickly lowered her head with blushing cheeks.

“Xiao Hui, come let’s go. I will help you shower, then we can sleep.” Yun Xi took Xiao Hui’s hands in hers and quickly left from there not wanting to look at Mo Shan.

Mo Shan knew she got flustered because of him and he smiled remembering her blushed cheeks.

“Tch.. tch.., brother you have really fallen for her deeply, haven’t you? Look at you smiling so gently. My god, I am even getting goosebumps looking at you.” Mo Sheng said to his brother shaking his head.

Mo Shan did not give his brother any attention and just went on to look at the news while Old Master Mo spoke up, “So what? Of course, a man should be like it. Not like you, hmph! I wonder if anyone will ever fall in love with you. Instead of teasing your brother and fighting with me, go and find a nice girl like your sister-in-law.”

“Old man, what do you mean no one will fall in love with me? I am so handsome and girls are always flocking around me. They can’t wait to be my wife.” Mo Sheng replied proudly.

Old Master Mo looked at his grandson as if he saw someone stupid, “You think they want to marry you because they love you? It’s all because of the money you have. Once they achieve their goal, they will throw you out right away.”

Mo Sheng shut his mouth knowing that his grandfather was right. He knew that those girls were eyeing his position, power, and money. That was also the reason he was never in a relationship.