

]Dear readers, hope you all are doing well. Actually, this book is going to be locked from tomorrow on. So, please keep supporting it. Thank you!!]


Xiao Hui was shy at the beginning when Yun Xi helped him take off his clothes to bathe. But after few minutes, all his shyness vanished into the thin year, and began to enjoy it. Previously when Mo Shan helped to bathe him, Xiao Hui sometimes did not like him since Mo Shan’s hand was rough and hard. But now he felt that Yun Xi’s hand was so soft when she caressed him.

After he was done bathing, Yun Xi wrapped him with a white bathrobe and brought him outside to the bedroom. She then began to wipe his hair with a towel gently. Xiao Hui was especially cute after bathing with red cheeks that Yun Xi could not control herself from kissing his cheeks and exclaiming, “Woah! My darling looks so cute like this.”

“Okay, so you sit here for a while, hmm? Mommy is going to have a shower too. Don’t worry. I will be done with it soon.” Yun Xi then rushed to the bathroom so that she could finish showering quickly and spend more time with Xiao Hui. Because she was in haste, she did not even realize that she was calling herself Xiao Hui’s mommy. The word naturally came into her mouth unknowingly.

Even though Yun Xi failed to realize it, Xiao Hui heard her words clearly. He was ecstatic when he heard her calling herself his mother. “Okay, I will wait for you, mommy” Xiao Hui whispered after Yun Xi entered the bathroom.

Xiao Hui kept staring at the door of the bathroom longingly ever since Yun Xi entered there. This was the scene that greeted Mo Shan when he entered the room. He saw his son staring at the bathroom door longingly.

Mo Shan also looked at the bathroom door curiously to see what his son got attracted to. As soon as he turned to look there, he saw Yun Xi coming out from the bathroom with her hair wet and adorned in a bathrobe.

Yun Xi also saw him as soon as she came out of the bathroom. Their eyes met in the air and Yun Xi didn’t know how to react. Both of them became still, only gazing at each other but not being able to speak anything. It was as if only they were left in the world and nothing else mattered until Xiao Hui’s voice sounded and broke their thoughts. Yun Xi hurriedly took off her eyes from him. Now she suddenly felt shy and her whole face turned beetroot. She could not even bear herself to raise her head and look at Mo Shan.

While Yun Xi was feeling flustered, Mo Shan was still lost in his own world. Yun Xi’s figure in the bathrobe kept flashing in his mind. He just could not get her figure out of his mind. He suddenly started to feel hot. This has never happened to him till now. For as long as he could remember, he has never got out of control, so this was a new feeling for him and he was slightly confused. He just could not keep his eyes out of Yun Xi that he did not even hear his son calling him.

He only got out of his thoughts when he felt someone pulling his pants. He looked down to only see his son pulling his pants and looking at him with worried eyes. Only then did he register Xiao Hui’s words.

“Father, what happened to you? Why aren’t you saying anything?” Xiao Hui asked worriedly when he saw that his father has gone still and was not even responding to his words. Xiao Hui was finally relieved when he saw his father looking down at him.

“Huh? It’s nothing. Father is fine.” Mo Shan replied and looked back at Yun Xi. He wanted to ask why she was in a bathrobe, but before he could open his mouth, Yun Xi hurriedly replied, “That, I forgot to bring my clothes, so…hehe” She replied awkwardly.

“I will bring them for you,” Mo Shan told her and hurriedly ran out from the room as he was afraid that he will really lose his control.

As soon as Mo Shan went out, Yun Xi also-ran to the bathroom and shut the door from inside. She really wanted to kill herself right now. “Yun Xi, Yun Xi, are you crazy? Why did you go out like this? You could have called for help, right? You stupid!” She scolded herself and hit her forehead frustratedly. Now she was even embarrassed to go out and face Mo Shan.

While the two adults were lost in their own thoughts and scolding themselves, Xiao Hui was also confused on his own. He was confused as to why his father and mother were behaving like that. He would look at the bathroom’s door one time and his room’s door another time to see if anyone will answer him but he could only shake his head when he found no one.

Mo Shan took a deep breath when he reached his room. After calming himself down, he walked to his closet where half of the space was filled with the clothes he ordered for Yun Xi. He grabbed the pajama for her and turned around to walk out but then he remembered something which made his face so dark red.

Innerwear!! “That’s right. She will need that too.” He thought. But he had no idea about them and Yun Xi’s type. He just grabbed whatever caught his eyes and did not even bother to look at them because if he looked at them, he was afraid of getting bad thoughts in his head again. Even when he was just walking to Xiao Hui’s room, his blushing was just not reducing. Her figure in the bathrobe kept filling his mind.

He shook his head and patted himself on the cheek saying, “Mo Shan, get a hold on yourself! You have always got your urges on a check, so maintain it. How can you think and act like this?” He continued berating himself while murmuring that he did not even notice Mo Sheng passing by him.

Mo Sheng was waking to his room while whistling when he saw his brother walking towards him. He raised his hand to get his brother’s attention but he just passed through him. Mo Sheng looked at Mo Shan in shock as it was his first time to see his brother like that, murmuring to himself and absent-minded. Mo Sheng wanted to call him but he just shook his head and continued walking to his room confusedly.