Small Blue Valley Spring (7)

The bright moonlight reflected above the calm serene basin, brightening up the surrounding area. The area was as quiet as before, with only the coming of breezes disrupting the silence.

On the rock by the lakeside, there were two shadows. One that was more robust, while the other slender and feminine. Liu Xun was staring at the lake nervously, as his heart began to palpitate deep in his chest.

*Ba-Thump. Ba-Thump.*

It beat in hurried rhythm.


An intense gaze could be felt behind his back, as the young man swallowed his saliva.

He comforted himself with such words as he tried to concentrate.

[Beginning sign in, please be patient host.]

A moment of silence ensued as the leaves of the surrounding trees ruffled with the wind.


The bell on Millie's braided lock chimed out.

A short but awkward moment before the revelation of the truth.

Liu Xun could feel additional pressure from this sign in compared to the previous ones.

This was mostly from the silent observer that was behind him.


[Congratulations Host Liu Xun for signing in at the "Small Blue Valley Spring". You have obtained the grey prize - 2x mantou (bread)!]

[Liu Ruoxue Affection -100]

[Liu Sanbo Affection -100]

[Liu Wubo Affection -100]

[Qin Yeqian Affection -100]

[Xuan Tie Affection -100]

[Gan Xinjian Affection -100]

[Millie Siverborn Affection +500]

Liu Xun gave a helpless smile as he gave a resigned sigh. He had already braced himself for this likely outcome. However, since pulling the 'Frost Yin Serenity Sword', his hopes had been lit with the faint expectation that he could do another big draw. Alas, cruel fate denies him the opportunity to pull anything amazing yet again.

[The Million Suns nods happily at the system's efficacy. You have been given a small pill (5 points)!]

[The Most Ancient One gives you a troubled smile. You have been given a small pill (5 points)!]

[The Thousand Deceivers chuckles happily at your misfortune. You have been given a mantou (1 point)!]

[The system is not faulty, host. Please accept the results like a real man and stop pushing the blame due to your inept.]

[You installed it, you played it, you rolled it. It is a free system, please stop bitching about it again and again.]

The system snapped back in a neutral tone. Liu Xun could feel the trace of mockery behind those words as he helplessly shook his head. There was no way he could win the system since he was only the user.

" got mantous this time?"

A delicate and charming voice questioned out from his back.

Turning back, Liu Xun could see the silver-haired girl put a finger to her nose as she displayed a pondering expression whilst looking at him. Millie had gently tilted her head to one side as if she was thinking about something. Her bright eyes began to look into the distance.

"Hmm...random prizes. Fairy powder...mantous...umu...."

She said out with a very serious expression.

Liu Xun could feel a slight sweat run down his cheek.

He felt slightly sad that he could not meet Millie's expectations.


"How exciting!"

The silver-haired girl's face immediately brightened up and she finished her sentence in exhilaration. Liu Xun could almost see stars shining in her pupils as she looked at the young man with renewed interest.

"W-what...aren't you disappointed? The result is not as amazing as what you have seen last round. In fact, this is the most common scenario."

Liu Xun muttered out as he was confused by the lady's unexpected reaction.

"No silly, if you are only going to be getting good stuff then only you and the beneficiaries would be having fun, right? Unexpected results, unexpected reactions, I am sure this is the primary intent of the sign-in system. Even a public announcement system to spice up the action, now everybody will be part of the fun! The creators of your system must be dying to have some entertainment and trouble brew up, fufufu~."

The silver-haired lady chuckled out as she nodded in agreement while lifting her left hand. A thumbs-up was then formed as if approving the way the system was made.

[The Most Ancient One says that this lady is very observant.]

[The Million Suns nods in agreement as she gives a thumbs-up.]

[The Peerless Jade Scabbard: Thumbs-up +1!]

[The Most Ancient One: Thumbs-up +1!]

[The Thousand Deceivers: Thumbs-up +1!]

[The system would assume so, host. Since you are the one that stands to suffer from this the most.]

Sigh, no use thinking too much about this.

Liu Xun muttered silently to himself as he grasped the two warm steaming white buns in each hand.

He then stretched out his left hand towards Millie.

The silver-haired lady then looked back at him in surprise.

"Want one? I cannot finish both."

He asked in a nonchalant tone.


A quick and lighthearted reply as Millie graciously received the steaming mantou.

Thus, two shadows could be seen sitting on a rock side by side under the moonlight.


A light biting sound could be heard.

"Uuuuuuu~so warm and sweet!"

The faint delicate voice traveled into the distance.

It was yet another peaceful night.



The two of them returned to the campsite shortly after the pull.

Most of the cultivators back at the camp were deep in meditation. They had probably heard the sign-in announcement based on the results of the affection meter. Most of them did not show any changes in expression as their eyes were closed. This was of course with few exceptions. Senior Xuan who was on a treetop keeping guard was still wide awake, taking his duty very seriously. Despite Millie stating that this area was a safe haven without any hostile creatures, the group still maintained their discipline of having a senior cultivator rotate on guard duty every night.

It was always better to be safe than sorry.

The other exception was firstly a mouth-watering Langsheng who stared at Liu Xun with a strong desire, mainly for his mantous. Liu Xun had to apologize to the disappointed young man who could not partake in the white bun feast which he had shared with Millie.

The last exception was located at the center of the camp, by the fire. A yellow-robed old man was seen by the fireplace, atop the fire was a big cauldron. Senior Gan was busily throwing in ingredients as he watched the cauldron boil. It seems he was making pills.

Liu Xun was really curious about the old man's work. It could be said that pill alchemists are one of the most lucrative jobs out there in the cultivation world. Often they do not need to source for the ingredients, but just remain in their furnace rooms and make pills days in and out while collecting large sums of remuneration. Senior Gan is of course an exception to that trend as he was a rogue pill alchemist compared to the luxurious and spoilt pill makers of sects.

Liu Xun observed in wonderment while staring at the old man's back as Senior Gan began throwing in more ingredients then gently using his qi to stir the pot.

"It seems that pill-making is not an easy art. There is a lot of knowledge and practice required to make such delicate pills."

He muttered to himself in silence.

"That is of course. Every path on the dao is said to require insurmountable effort and luck to achieve minor successes. Even pill making, weapon forging, herb culturing, and such are not spared from this fact."

A soft yet sweet voice whispered from his back.

Millie had seemed to have heard his soft utterance as she gave a serious reply. The lady gave a short look at Liu Xun's back before using her hand to give him a light push.

"It seems you are curious about that senior's pill-making art. Why not ask him for some insight? Perhaps he would be willing to teach you some tricks and a new alchemist god in the making would be born!"

She said out in a warm tone while delivering the push.


*Step. Step.*

Liu Xun was surprised as he felt a force direct him forward towards the yellow-robed old man. It was gentle and nothing forceful, making it seem as if Liu Xun was walking on his own accord.

"Hmm? If it isn't the impressive young whelp, Liu Xun? Do you require anything from this old bag of bones?"

Senior Gan slightly turned his head as he addressed the approaching young man. Most of his concentration was still placed on the simmering pot as he directed his blue qi to revolve in the cauldron. The process of mixing the ingredient was delicate as if weaving silk as the old man's fingers waved around in a gentle and harmonious fashion as if playing an instrument.

"Nothing serious really. Senior, I was just wondering if you would tell me a slight bit about making pills. I have always been curious about this art since it would be a great way for a cultivator to be self-sufficient. If you are uncomfortable-"

Liu Xun calmly spoke out his words as he echoed out his thoughts.

"Making pills... self-sufficient...hmm. Well, this old man would not be able to teach you much with his poor self-taught skills. Sects would have better methods to pill refining. However, you can still watch this one's refining and perhaps gather experience and insights with regards to how you would like to go about it. You can pick up the knowledge later. Come and stand by my side..."

The old man said in a gentle tone as his expressions were relaxed and calm.

Liu Xun then took the offer as he stood by the old alchemist's side. Watching him process pills throughout the night...