A Pleasant Departing Gift

The next day came quickly as Liu Xun worked alongside Senior Gan with pill refinement. The two of them spent the entire night looking at the boiling pot of flames as multiple pills were made. Hours passed as the ingredient pile slowly withered, leaving behind scant amounts which were then stored when the duo finally decided to call it a day.

By the end of the lesson, there were only a bare few hours before the sun would rise. The rest of the camp was already still without any movement as the group remained in deep meditation. The two then decided to get a quick shuteye, before continuing on the next day. Thus, the camp slowly descended into silence.


The dawn light shined upon the verdant forest as small dew could be seen gathering on the leaves. A faint mist could be seen lingering around the campsite as the humidity forming a veil of transparent vapor. The scene was rather mystifying as a result.

The cultivators slowly stood up as they gathered their equipment. Everyone had a rather solemn mood. After all, it was finally time to continue their journey towards their final destination. Time was running rather tight since the group had decided to make this detour. Despite that, no one seemed to be dissatisfied with the fruits of their labor.

Perhaps, the trip is already rewarding to most members of the group. Liu Five and the Liu Family juniors seemed to be satisfied with the result despite not being able to reach their destination. Senior Xuan was leaning against a tree relaxed with his casket slung loosely by his shoulder side.

"Hey...hey! Liu Xun, wake up! It is time to leave now."

A voice could be heard from the distance. Liu Xun began to arise from his deep slumbering consciousness and slowly responded towards the voice calling out his name. His heavy eyelids slowly began to raise as bright light entered his pupils. It was already past sunrise.

"Phew, you are finally awake now. Man, you sure took a while to get up! I guess you were working with Senior Gan by the cauldron till pretty late last night, huh."

The words filled Liu Xun's mind as he felt a slight nudge by his side.

The speaker was the fat pudgy youth who he had spoken to the day before, Langsheng. Langsheng did observe the two who were talking about alchemy for a little bit before going into meditation. He did expect them to sleep late, but he did not expect that Liu Xun only had two hours of rest before he was currently awoken.

Liu Xun looked around. It seemed that the rest of the cultivators including Senior Gan were already awake and moving around. He could see the seniors and juniors from the Liu Family gathering up the final few tools. Their bags are already slung on their backs, it seems that almost everyone was ready to depart.

Liu Xun even spotted the silver-haired Millie sitting on a tree branch as she stared towards the direction of the basin with a slight melancholic look. It seems that she is feeling a slight sense of loss by leaving this place. By her waist, there was a short blade sheathed in a red scabbard loosely hanging about.

"So, how was it yesterday?"

A young husky voice came from his side.

"Nothing much really, Senior Gan was making some qi expansion pills. I just helped a bit by preparing which ingredients to place in and such."

Liu Xun gave a carefree reply.

"Oh, nice! Maybe our Liu Family will get our own alchemist from this day. Please remember this one when you reach the apex in the future alright, I need to find a thick and reliable thigh now while I am young and handsome."

The pudgy boy joked lightly as he gently nudged at Liu Xun again with a face that seems to be currying favors. To be honest, the expression was slightly infuriating that Liu Xun almost felt like punching him. He could even feel a slight glare from his back, which he noticed came from Waner as she tightly grasped her whip. It seems like Langsheng's fate was to be beaten by her yet again at some point.

"Anyways, it is time to set off now, huh."

The young man thought to himself as he looked at the serene forest. This scene of momentary peace was relaxing and enjoyable. Even the meeting with Millie brought a pleasant warmth to his heart.

He lightly thought as he grabbed his yellow cloth sack as he began to walk towards the rest of the group.


Before leaving the Small Blue Valley Spring, Liu Xun decided to take on one last sign-in at this place. He had spoken his intentions with the group before leaving for the small water basin in the central region of this haven.

*Tap. Tap.*

Familiar light footsteps followed closely behind.

Liu Xun already knew it was Millie and chose to proceed forward without stopping since the group needed to advance with haste since they require time to reach the Yin Frost Basin. The silver-haired lady just silently followed without speaking a word.

What greeted the both of them was the same crystal clear lake. The water is unbelievably pure and filled with spiritual qi. This beautiful scenery will perhaps be the last thing he will see in this wonderful place.

Liu Xun then gently closed his eyes as he gave a silent prayer.

Both for his gacha luck and a quiet farewell to the magnificent view.

[Understood host, signing in. Please be patient.]

A quick reply before the silence resumed. Liu Xun then took a deep breath as he took in the fresh air and burn this picturesque scene into his retina. The young man then turned his back against the basin as he slowly walked back towards the camp. A small farewell could be seen uttered silently between his lips as he gave a calm and gentle smile as he departed.

Millie looked at Liu Xun in surprise as she had not expected him to display such sentimentality despite such a short period of interaction. There was also visible confusion in her mind as the young man had stated that he would sign in at the basin, but now he was just turning away.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, loud trumpet sounds could be heard.

A short melodious tune played out.

It seemed to be similar to a victorious war song as if something good had happened.

[Congratulations Host Liu Xun for signing in at the "Small Blue Valley Spring". You have obtained the orange (tier 5/super rare/3%) prize - a small jug of Legendary Myriad Spirit Spring Milk!]


[Liu Ruoxue Affection +1000]

[Liu Sanbo Affection +1000]

[Liu Wubo Affection +1000]

[Qin Yeqian Affection +1000]

[Xuan Tie Affection +1000]

[Gan Xinjian Affection +1000]

[Millie Siverborn Affection +1000]

[The Million Suns claps excitedly as you finally pulled a decent item.]

[The Most Ancient One nods happily as he states that the sign-in system is not faulty.]

[The Peerless Jade Scabbard chuckles lightly at the result.]

[The Thousand Deceiver stares at you with slight envy.]

Liu Xun could feel his hands trembling in excitement as he slowly held upon the brown jug of white glistening creamy milk with the utmost care.

Looking in front of him, he could see the silver-haired lady staring at his jug of milk with sparkling eyes. Liu Xun could feel that the young lady was definitely surprised by the results and also slightly envious of his grand reward this time.

"Wow~you actually managed to get something really good this time."

Millie said out in a slightly shocked tone.

"This is something that many would covet, even I am feeling a slight temptation..."

She continued as her eyes narrowed. Faint but strong overwhelming bloodthirst seem to pour out from the kind young lady as she continued to look towards Liu Xun.

Liu Xun was immediately alerted. He had known this beautiful lady for the past three days and was rather relaxed around her. However, now he could feel a faint sense of threat from the kind and playful Millie.

He thought to himself as he lightly gripped his ax, ready for a battle.

Despite Liu Xun being a gentleman and giving away the fairy powder without any expectation of recompense, one could not expect to just blindly give up grand treasures when he found them. Even if it is towards a country befalling beauty or an overly powerful monarch, Liu Xun felt that he should fight for what is rightfully his.

The peaceful scenery by the lake was then mired with disturbing tension as the two of them began to stare at each other.

"Fufu~well, I won't be fighting with you over this. However, you should be careful of those around you."

The silver-haired girl suddenly did a light turn as she began to walk away.

The tension was instantly defused as Liu Xun felt that all the bloodthirstiness that was present before disappear in an instant. It was as if it were an illusion.

Liu Xun began to wonder. He could never seem to read the true intentions of that silver-haired lady in fur garments. At times, she would be kind, other times she would playfully tease him, now she displayed a slight bit of bloodthirst and then defused it the next very moment. It was as if looking at a woman whose face was veiled behind many masks.

The young man silently thought to himself as he slowly but cautiously walked back towards the campsite. His initial carefree mood has now been replaced with the utmost vigilance. Unknowing of what reactions are to surface, it could be said that this sign-in reward was both a pleasant departing gift and a ticking time bomb.