Silver and Mysteries – Aventure (2)

If there was a dream where I can be by your side forever, I would rather wish to never wake up.


"Hey, Millie."


"Will you ever feel like leaving the valley?"

"No, not really."

It was a short and brief conversation.

[Host, that was a pretty bad attempt.]

[The Heavenly Temptress shakes her head.]

Liu Xun reached forward as he grabbed upon a light blue white husk. It was an Amorous Cretian Husk that was obtained from a late qi-stage insect of that name. The shell had a shiny sheen which was plated with strong armor. Its small size made it even harder to hit. Liu Xun himself had a tiny bit of trouble breaching the insect's weak point due to it. It was only after much effort that he managed to finally penetrate the depths of the hand-sized bug.

"Heh, it looks like you still aren't that comfortable in dealing with venomous insects."

Millie softly whispered into his ears as she craned her neck forward behind the youth's back.

Liu Xun was immediately startled as he shook for a moment before returning to dismantling the newly hunted prey. Her succulent sweet voice traveled up into his ears as he felt a flush of heat rush up his face. A light tinge dyed his pale face as he continued to work upon the next cretin.

"I guess so. I am more used to the more direct wild beasts that rely on brute strength over the crafty ones that like to hide and use their special weapons or poisons."

He replied in a calm tone as he worked upon his task. Sadly, his ears betrayed his intentions.

"Ohoho, look at you try and act all cool. Your ears are really red." Fuuu~

She teased out coyly as she lightly blew into his ear.

"Wait Millie, that is unfair!"

Liu Xun jumped away as he felt the light breeze tickle him.

"Argh, we are seriously done here."

The flustered youth took upon his messily separated materials as he quickly stuffed them into his cloth sack. He then started walking away in a clumsy manner.

"Fufu~, so cute. It is always so fun to tease him."

Millie gave a peal of soft laughter as she followed behind his back.

[Host, are you the one doing the quest, or is the target the one conquering you?]

[It is still a decent show. -Heavenly Temptress (eating popcorn)]

[The Million Suns looks at the new viewer.]

[Oh you are here again -Million Suns]

[Yeah, I mean I have nothing better to do for now. -Heavenly Temptress]

[Don't you have anyone else to follow, like your other system users, the Million Suns says in a bored tone.]

[Not really, plus isn't this pretty interesting in itself? -Heavenly Temptress]

[Tch whatever. -Million Suns]

[Hey, your true persona is showing Old Three. -Most Ancient One]

[I don't care, it is too tiring to act in front of everybody every day. Let me relax in the stream. -Million Suns]

[Just leave her be. -Peerless Jade]

[Yeah, yeah! -Thousand Deceivers]

Liu Xun thought out with annoyance as he walked forward. By this point, Millie was already walking by his side. She was also humming her usual happy tune as she looked around with ease.

[Well, we usually do so. -Most Ancient One]

[But a certain fox queen has added you to this chatroom, the only one we have at the moment! -Million Suns]

[I guess so, we haven't been able to chat while watching you over these few days due to her constant room occupation. -Peerless Jade]

[Sigh, you all could just work harder and add more functions, no? -Heavenly Temptress]

[Don't talk as if you aren't slacking off from work just by looking at this boy. -Heavenly Temptress]

[Then pay us the karma! Then we can hire a programmer! -Million Suns]

[Tch, how petty. Fine, fine. -Heavenly Temptress]

[Oh are we having a party here? The baby chick is inside too! -Thousand Deceivers]

[Well as you can see, host. We are sorry for the current platform's inconveniences. Your support ticket will be processed in due time.]


"Hey, Liu xun!"

A charming voice got louder as the youth who was distracted looking around noticed an angry lady. Millie looked at him as she placed her hands on her waist with a pout on her face.

"Come on, don't space out so often. It is dangerous territory! Plus, I was talking to you. Hmph!"

She said as she wave her finger while pointing it out.

"Right, right my bad. Sorry, Millie."

The youth apologized as he felt misconstrued.

[Ufufu, sorry~ -Heavenly Temptress]

[Sorry bout that. -Most Ancient One]

[Apologies. -Peerless Jade]

[Hmph, pardon me. -Million Suns]

[Yes yes, sorry bout that. -Thousand Deceivers]

Finally, all of the hubbubs were finally quelled as the great ones took their talk to another place. Liu Xun looked at the slightly annoyed lady in front of him as she stomped forward. He sighed as he decided to silently follow behind her back.


The angry pouting fox was walking at a faster pace, but her ears were still raised high and twitching on several occasions. Based on Liu Xun's obtained knowledge, animals usually express their happiness through their body language. It seems that she is rather happy with his company, unlike the times where she looks up into the moon with drooping ears.

[Isn't that simple, just take her as your wife! -Heavenly Temptress]

[Hey, we aren't done talking yet. Get back here! -Million Suns]

[Apologies, don't mind us. -Peerless Jade]

[Well, you better start paying attention. -Most Ancient One]

[Looks like someone is pissed again keke. -Thousand Deceivers]

Liu Xun immediately snapped back into reality as he was greeted with the same angry pouting silver-haired lady. Okay, this time she had two puffed-up cheeks rather than one so maybe she was more annoyed.

"Sorry, sorry. Fine Millie, you have my attention now. What is up?"

The youth apologized with clasping hands.

"Seriously, you are not paying attention at all. What would happen if I left you alone out in the wild? Wouldn't you just walk into a tiger's mouth while walking blindly?"

She once again said in a falsely angry high pitched tone.

Liu Xun laughed awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head.

Liu Xun sighed internally as he continued to walk behind the puffed-up Millie.


The two of them slowly ventured as they walked slowly past the green woods. This trip was much more relaxing compared to his initial entry to the Vermillion Ranges. Perhaps it was just great that he was accompanied by the largest beast in the jungle. Therefore, everything seems to be rather tame and harmless in comparison. Furthermore, looking back at the fight with Shaggaroth. The number of decisions that have to be made in a split second as well as the lightning-fast reflexes, make it seem as if most of the attacks by these weak qi gathering beasts feel like a slow-motion reel.

Seriously, now the only issue is the problem that my reflexes are not able to keep up with my reactions.

To be honest, Liu Xun is well adapted to dealing with Essence Foundation and perhaps some Core Formation cultivators or beasts at this point. His acumen was honed by the intensive one-night drilling, the only thing he lacked was his base stats in that sense.

[Host, do your best!]

Yes, thank you system. Liu Xun thought out as he realized something was wrong. The system barely ever encourages him.

[By the way, incoming piercing attack from 8 o'clock. (Moderate)]

The robotic sound ran past his ear as Liu Xun immediately flipped his blue short sword to his left-back.


The sharp thorn barely glanced his sword as the vine fling back due to the recoil. Looking at the direction where the attack came from, Liu Xun spotted a deep red flower hidden deep in the trees.

"Oh wow, a mimicry flower. That is rare, it somehow even managed to skip past my qi detection. Must be hibernating previously huh."

A light questioning tone mentioned out as Millie tilted her head in surprise.

[Vine whip incoming from the 9' o'clock (Moderate).]

[Vine whip incoming from the 3' o'clock (Moderate).]

[Seed Barrage from the 9' o'clock (Weak).]

A few more attacks came flying across as the red mimicry flower targetted Liu Xun. The two whip flash forward as they lashed out with ferocious momentum. Yet, sadly Liu Xun had already experienced the pain and annoyance of Shaggaroth fleshy appendages that far surpassed it in speed and power. It just felt merely like an light swing in comparison.

"Millie, just leave this to me."

Liu Xun said as he rushed forward.

"Oh sure, just call me when you need a hand."

Millie chirped out as she jumped up onto a tree branch, gracefully landing on it while taking a rest.

The green spear dived forward once again. It traveled forward like a diving arrow with barely any resistance as blue qi surrounded it.

The youth once again silently recited to himself as he performed the very same sequence he had been practicing hard over the past few days. The sharp blade edge ran forward as the youth seamlessly swayed his body, gracefully avoiding one vine as well as the firing seeds. Using his left hand, he flicked his sword and lightly parried the other vine as he closed the distance in an instant.

"Ooooh~not bad."

A light praise was heard from behind, up in the trees.

He thought silently as the spear drove right to the center of the flower, right between the petals.


The flower wriggled in agony for a short moment before slowly wilting up. Soon, the flower was all but a fragment of the past.

"Really not bad! You are getting the hang of that mysterious skill, Liu Xun! To even fight a new Essence Foundation beast with such confidence and ease. Sis here is very impressed!"

Millie was in high praises as she unknowingly appeared by his side.

Liu Xun was rather surprised by the sudden change in her position. It seems that his raised awareness is only able to manage those around his level. Millie was in an entirely different weight category, cultivation-wise. Her movements look graceful and with ease by they were rapid and quick in his untrained and weak eyes.

"Hmm, based on what I have read from the library...there is a nectar sac at the center which could be used to make precious pills and potions."

She said as she craned her neck forward.

"Whoops, looks like you have destroyed the sac."

She continued with a slightly empathetic tone.

"Oh really, well it looks like I messed up in that aspect."

Liu Xun heard the lady's comment initially as his rose was raised and dashed in but an instant.

"Oh well, it was your first time fighting this rare plant beast. We rarely see these around here. And hey look, there is still some left!"

She tried to cheer him up as she stretched her hand into the plant's corpse. From inside she pulled out a small transparent sac filled with cyan shining fluid that seemed to be slightly deflated as some of the thick fluid dripped onto her fair hands. Her bright smile with pearly white teeth flashed out as it sent a warm rush into his heart.

"Yes thanks, Millie."

[Seriously, who is the one doing the quest here? -Million Suns]

[I really cannot tell at this point, fufu~. -Heavenly Temptress]