Silver and Mysteries – Aventure (3)

The trip around the Western Vermillion Ranges was swift as the adventurous Millie dragged Liu Xun across various sights. From the high mountains to the deep lakes, they traversed across various terrains as the enthusiastic fox introduced the various specialties...while collecting some taxes.

"It is completely alright! I am the overlord of the region, I have never demanded any tributes before. Plus, I do give them a choice to say no."

Millie said out while puffing out her chest.

"Well, if saying no means death. I wonder if there is really a choice?"

Liu Xun muttered while shaking his head. Looking at the proud fox lady who mentions such innocent yet scary words, he looked at that chest which bounced up and down for a moment before looking away.

[The Million Suns stares at you.]

[The Heavenly Temptress looks at your reactions with amusement.]

[Ecchi, pervert, hentai, horny dog, go die! -Million Suns]

[Just give the boy a break, you need to admit my fox girl here is very cute. -Heavenly Temptress]

[And big, unlike a certain someone. -Thousand Deceivers]

[The Million Suns takes out a club, please do not mind while the chat will be silent for a bit.]

[Wait! No, I didn't say anything! -Thousand Deceivers]

An awkward moment of silence rang out as Liu Xun clasped his hands together and prayed dearly for The Thousand Deceiver's life. Millie looked towards him as she tilted her head cutely while wondering what the youth was doing praying out of nowhere.

"Oh right, this reminds me! Liu Xun when will you be doing that 'sign in' thingy?"

Her light and cheery voice rang out, dyed with a color of faint expectation. It seems like the fox is rather interested in his system features again. To be honest, Liu Xun does not mind it. He is rather perturbed on how to raise Millie's affection levels definitively. Giving her gifts and pulling seems to be the most effective way by far.

[Host, the system will beseech you to think more carefully about what you have been doing.]


"Signing in huh, since I did that 10-draw back at your home. I need to wait a week before I can draw once again."

Liu Xun said while placing his finger under his lips as he recalled that disastrous pull, mantou heaven huh.

[Yes mantou *Smash* heaven! -Million Suns]

Liu Xun chose to ignore that as he looked towards the lady in front of him. Her ears were slightly dropped down as her shoulder was lowered. It seems that the reply was not in accordance with her expectation as the disappointed fox, turned away. She slowly turned away as she continued to walk forward.

"It is okay, we can always wait for it."

She said in a happy voice, the tone betrayed her words as disappointment could be heard from her voice.

"Well, it is just in two more days. You do not have to wait too long for it."

Liu Xun replied as he tried to pacify her. However, he noticed that the lady in front of him had even further drooped down ears upon hearing his words. The confused youth was rather perplexed by the sudden change in her mood. Scratching his head, he slowly wondered what on earth was wrong with his words. There does not seem to be anything wrong said as per se.

[Host, you are really dense.]

[Oh, but you are acting like one right now.]

Liu Xun had finally caught up on the message. The time which they could spend together was scarce. The happy fox lady had always been walking around enthusiastically while skirting the topic. It seems that she accidentally opened a can of worms and now Liu Xun was rubbing it deeply on her face.

[This is why you are hopeless without this system.]

The system replied once again in a neutral tone, yet a faint sense of condescension could be felt. The troubled youth sighed once again and he now had to find a way to bring back the pleasant mood previously. The current down and depressing mood was really unsuited for both Millie and this trip as the awkwardness increased slowly at every moment.

"Well...Liu Xun, I remember that there is a special place around here. A very beautiful place. There aren't really any useful materials over there though. Are you interested?"

Millie pointed out as her ears slightly raised up once again. Looks like her mood is just increasing again by itself, even without any necessary interventions. She also seemed to be rather excited by the suggestion as she said it with slight confidence, her ears were twitching once again restlessly.

[Glad you know your dullness. And please do not forget the quest host, you aren't here to entertain yourself but also all of us watching.]

[That is the issue with you, host. The system is faultless.]

The system snaps back once again to its usual retorts.

"Well then, Liu Xun. Let's go! It is really amazing, I can vouch for it!"

Millie said out with confidence as she turned her head back flashing a face filled with confidence and sugary happiness as her eyes formed crescents and her smile naturally exuded an indescribable charm.

Liu Xun gawked slightly at the scene before regaining his composure. He gave a slight cough before stretching his hand out, giving the sign 'Please lead the way, milady'.

[So mofu mofu~ -Heavenly Temptress]

[Now, if it was only 50-50. It seems to be 90 fox and 10 boy. What an uneven distribution. -Peerless Jade]

[As expected of an inexperienced v-whelp...kohom. -Million Suns]

[Keke, the graceful lady is saying some more profanities. -Thousand Deceivers]

[You never learn do you. -Most Ancient One]

[Indeed. Indeed. Boy get more experience. -Thousand Deceivers]

[No, I mean you. -Most Ancient One]

[Huh, what do you-*Smash* *Crack* *BZZZZZT* -Thousand Deceivers]

[Apologies host, the programmer is scheduled to come in a week. Please understand and be patient until then.]

[It is unfortunate, but we have too many channels but so few people willing to fine-tune the channels themselves. Most of the great ones would rather sit on a couch and watch the show after all.]

[You are just imagining things.]

"Hey Liu Xun, you are ignoring me again!"

Once again, the pouted resurfaced. Liu Xun swore to himself that he would have to get better at multitasking or pray that the channel would get fixed sooner. Or else all of his current quest progress will definitely drop into the negative.

"Y-yeah, sorry Millie. I was just checking some things within the system."

Liu Xun apologized for the umpteenth time today. Apparently, using the system excuse previously was rather effective so he decided to place the fault on it once again. Admittedly it was partially due to the system, though it was the great ones rather than the system itself per see.

" looking at your system is more important than talking to me, huh. Yep, I understand you totally. I am definitely not as interesting as your system."

Millie said as she turned away with even puffier cheeks.

[Host, you aren't improving at all in this department. The system advice to pull something to improve your EQ.]

[Nothing much just an abbreviation to show your ability to read the room, while your IQ department isn't all too bright either it seems.]

Knowing that he was fighting a losing battle, Liu Xun tactfully chose to retreat.

The two of them slowly made their way past a calm and serene lake. The water was clear blue as the sight of impurities was not present. There wasn't the presence of any beasts around as the grass in the plains surrounding it rustled gently with the passing wind.

Walking slowly past the scene, Liu Xun inhaled a breath of fresh air. They had been in a dark and damp jungle for the past two days. They had already spent three days out of the valley and out of three days crossing various places. This jungle spread far and wide as the two who strolled forward with great haste still took an entire two days to traverse the entire span of this region. Inside this eerie place, wild beasts, insects, and whatever else crawling around would often jump out at them. Millie would often leave the manageable foes for Liu Xun to handle.

The strongest beast they have met so far was a Core Formation one, it was an eagle type. Apparently, the one the group saw right before first entering the valley for the first time. The Thunder Lightning Zephyr Eagle, it was known as. The large three-meter purple bird that had spotted the both of them immediately descended from the sky.

Liu Xun had initially drawn his weapons in preparations to face another difficult but interesting battle. It was unknown if it was fortunate or not, but the eagle descended before them before bowing down as it paid its respects to Millie. Apparently, the stronger beasts in the region recognized and respected the overlord. Millie nodded in satisfaction as she asked it a few questions. Some of its welfare, others about the region as well as changes. It was a short exchange of about five minutes, but Liu Xun felt greatly discomforted knowing that a Core Formation senior was really close next to him. It was rather weird since Millie herself was a Middle Inverse Core Beast, but the fox herself had always reduced her cultivation to the early-foundation stage and acted really comfortably around Liu Xun that he had always not noticed any discomfort.

Perhaps the eagle felt slightly sorry for him, but it left him a single purple feather that was deeply embedded with lightning qi. It was one of its crown feathers that it had shed and had a significant value equivalent to a high-tier Core Formation material. This was also a form of paying respect to its senior overlord as the proud fox nodded happily before dismissing it as it took upon the air once again.

"Well isn't that great, Liu Xun! We can even collect tributes by having them walk up to our doorstep."

Millie said with a cheerful voice as she let out a light chuckle.

"Isn't that entirely because of you? That eagle would have probably treated me as food if you weren't here."

Liu Xun mention as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Not really, Yin does not really like to eat humans. She prefers to eat tastier games like lions or larger beasts. Previously, she complained to me that it was difficult to fight Essence Foundation humans and to share that teeny amount of flesh between her husband and chicks. It was bare even worth the effort considering how cunning they get."

Millie mentions as she slowly recalled her previous encounter with that large purple eagle. It seems that both of them are rather close friends as well. Though by this point, Liu Xun was rather surprised to know that these demonic beasts had rather intelligent behaviors. He had expected most of these demonic beasts are just primitive monsters that rely on their superior body strength, this impression was further deepened with the encounters of those Core Formation Metamorphosing Beasts.

"It seems there are really all kinds of beasts out there, huh. Kind ones, smart ones, careful ones, and of course those arrogant and annoying ones as well."

Liu Xun said as he nodded to himself upon this new revelation.

"Well isn't that obvious? There are also smart, kind, caring humans out there like Luoqi, no? And also what do you mean by that. There is a kind, charming, beautiful, sexy, amazing, breathtaking fox right here!"

Millie said as she proudly patted her chest while standing upright, once again her chest jiggled gently in synonymous agreement.

"Now that you mention it...I always treated you as a human rather than a beast."

Liu Xun said while tilting his head to the side.

[Host, please look at the person you are speaking to. And also look up to the face.]

Shut up, system.

A silent tussle occurred as the silver-haired looked at the embarrassed youth for a moment before letting out a coy smile.

"It is nice to hear that from you, but you should learn to act more composed...hmm?"

She said as she continued to press against her chest with her arms while letting out a slight smirk. (>:3)

"Seriously, stop teasing me."

The black-robed youth replied again while looking hot and troubled, waving his hands as he gave in.

"Fine, fine. I will leave you be for now!"

The fox walked away satisfied as her ears perked up once again. She hummed happily as she skipped forward with arms behind her back.

Liu Xun shook his head as he look at the playful fox walk forward gleefully as if she had scored a great victory. He seems to be the one losing in all of these tussles.

[Well then, get better at it host. Ganbatte!]

The system gives a rare encouragement again. No need for you to...Liu Xun suddenly looked around with full alert as he scanned for any enemies.

"Hmm, what is wrong?"

Millie said as she turned around confused.

"No...nothing, my system usually resorts to giving me weird surprises. I thought another one was waiting in store."

Liu Xun said as he sighed, looking at nothing pop out from the corners. Well, Millie did mention there was nothing to obtain from here. It probably meant that there were also no real threats either. He thought to himself as he spent more of his attention towards his flanks and back which were his vulnerable spots.

"Oh I see...ooooooh Liu Xun, look!"

Millie initially replied before she screamed out in joy as she pointed out forward.

Liu Xun looked in the direction she point towards. It was a field located in the center of the lake. A verdant field of pure viridian green. Numerous lilac, white and purple flowers bloomed in his presence. The entire islet was fillet with those blooming flowers. In the center lay a single tree. It bore similar lilac, white and purple flowers which glowed with a mysterious bright light. Since the two had walked a great distance for the day, the sun was already setting by then. The evening glow dyed the green fields with a golden-red hue. Yet these beautiful flowers outshone with a greater radiance, resulting in a contrasting dynamic rapture of colors.


Liu Xun looked in awe as words got caught in his throat.

The lake surrounded glowed like a sea of diamonds as the evening reflected an orange vermillion as well. A light breeze brushed to his face as petals drifted into the air before him. The two of them slowly walked towards the center of the islet as they got surrounded by a garden of shining jewels. Feeling the wind deliver him a refreshing welcome of spring, he looked awestruck at the breathtaking scenery as a glowing light pink petal drifted right into his hand.

"...this is amazing."

He spoke slowly as he tried to proclaim his amazement, but would fail upon catching this resplendent view.

"Isn't it? I love this place dearly as well!"

A warm and soothing reply brushed past his side as the breeze not only brought the petals to his face but a familiar lingering fragrance of the lady with who he always traveled. Looking at the evening sun cast a shade against her untainted silver-white hair, she brushed her hair that was teased by the wind as it flirtatiously tickled her cheeks. Her soft violet eyes looked right at his as she broke into a wide grin.

"Fufu, what is with your dumb look? Look, this is my and Luoqi's treasured place. A world that has been untainted by the ebbs of time."

She said out as tears slowly trickled down her pale white cheeks.

"Isn't it beautiful? This eternal garden of blooming wisterias."

Her words continued as they drifted along with the descending petals.

[Quest: The Estranged Fox has been updated.]