Chapter 11 To make her life a living hell

Waking up for the third time, Li Mei asked for her daughter and Li Bao told her that they were going to visit her as soon as she's discharged which somehow calmed her. He then got a call from his Assistant who informed him that the situation in Beijing was chaotic because the board members were saying that his daughter's scandal was responsible for the great falling in the company sales yet he wasn't doing anything. He also told him that they were suggesting on voting a new CEO since they considered him irresponsible. Li Bao then realized that he had to go back to Beijing first to deal with the things in the company.

When Hu Feng came back to the hospital, Li Mei immediately asked him about Li Fei. "I saw her. She's not happy of course but she's fine. She's being strong for us," he decided to lie to her given her condition. Li Mei said," Thanks for being there for her. I'm going to see her the moment I leave this place." Li Bao decided not to inform her of the situation in the company until she was discharged.

It was evening when she was discharged and they went to the hotel. As soon as they reached, he started packing his things and she asked," Where are you going?" "They called me earlier telling me that things were not good at the company. I have to go now. You will find me in Beijing. Tell Li Fei that I will be coming to see her soon," he replied as he zipped his bag. "Is the company more important than our daughter?" asked Li Mei. "What do you mean?" he asked back. "Seeing and strengthening her in this situation should be our priority. This is when she needs us more than ever," she said. Li Bao looked at her and said," We can only free our daughter back when we are powerful, Li Mei. We are dealing with a very powerful family here. The Jin family has a lot of influence everywhere not only in Shanghai but Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan and the whole of Asia. We have to be financially stable to face this."

After doing his best in explaining to her, he left the hotel for Beijing to face the challenges at the company. He wasn't giving up the position of the CEO at least not before freeing his daughter.


The next day early in the morning, Hu Feng and Li Mei reached the prison which was in Chongqing. She couldn't believe that her daughter was locked up in search a heavily guarded place as if she was a top criminal. Hu Feng had decided to come with her today assuming that maybe they might allow them to see her given the fact that her mother had come along. When they went to the woman at the reception, they received the same information Hu Feng was told yesterday.

"What do you mean by we can't see her?" asked Li Mei.

"They are orders from above," the woman simply stated. "What do you mean by orders from above? These are human rights we are speaking of here. I have to see her. I'm Li Mei of the Li family in Beijing and we are the owners of the Li enterprises. I don't think you will be able to take it if I inform the authorities," she said but the woman didn't budge. A moment later, Li Mei softened and pleaded," Please, Ma'am I know you're a parent. Please let me see her at least for thirty minutes. I won't take long I promise. She's my only daughter and she has never been through something like this."

"Like I said Ma'am. I can't do anything when the orders given are from above. And don't worry, she will soon cope up," the woman said and she resumed doing her things.

Li Mei felt her knees weakening and she sat at the nearby seat. She looked at Hu Feng and said," You said you saw her yesterday. Why are they not allowing us to see her today?"

"I have no idea. Perhaps she's being punished for something," he said. "Punished? What could she have done to be punished?" she asked worriedly. "I also have no idea," he simply said.


Jin Liwei was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling as his mind wandered off. He was startled out of his thoughts when his phone rang and on checking, it was Jing Yue his best friend. He immediately picked up and Jing Yue said," Let's go out for a few drinks." "No," he deadpanned. Silence came between them before Jing Yue said," Look Jin, I understand how you might be feeling but life has to move on. I'm sure Jin Shan wants the same thing for you." Jin Liwei didn't say anything then Jing Yue continued," Tell me, what are you planning on doing with that girl? Wang Mel told me that you found her." "To make her life a living hell," he simply said. Jing Yue wanted to tell him that he didn't have to decide when he was still this angry but he stopped himself because he knew how much he loved Shan. He sighed before saying," Okay don't worry about anything at the company. Take all the time you need to rest and please don't forget that I'm here for you." After speaking to him, Jing Yue only wished for that girl to be strong because knowing the extent Jin Liwei can go when angered, he just hoped she would survive this.

After spending the whole day waiting, Li Mei and Hu Feng decided to leave because they realized that nothing was going to change. Giving their things to the woman who assured that she was going to deliver them, the two left the place.

After failing to get a phone for the whole day, Li Fei gave up. She went and got her supper then sat at the table and started eating her food slowly.