Chapter 12 She shouldn't die no matter what

Her eyes carefully scanned the entire place and she caught sight of Liling her cellmate who was concentrating on her food. She had such a serious face and it made Li Fei wonder what might have happened to make her so distant like that towards people. As she continued eating her food, she realized that someone had seated next to her and on looking, it was Ah Lam the troublesome inmate and she felt her body stiffen. She feared her so much.

Looking at her, she saw that she had a number of tattoos and piercings. She looked like trouble itself. "What are you staring at a**hole?" she growled as she snapped her head at her and Li Fei immediately returned her eyes to her plate. She thought of leaving the table but then it might offend her so she decided to stay. Eating her food quickly, she fled from the table and took back the plate and cutlery.

In the evening after the roll call was made, they were told to switch off the lights so that they could sleep which they did. She then saw four of her cell mates light a torch and sat in the middle of the cell room then began to smoke. At first, she thought that they were cigarettes but after sniffing the scent, she could tell that they were drugs and she was surprised. Where did they get such things from? And weren't they scared of being found and punished? She then saw some of them having phones and she was tempted to borrow one from them so that she could call home but she decided against it. She also saw Liling on her bed who had a phone but remembering what she had told her, she decided to force some sleep even though it was miles away. Only two days had passed on her seven years sentence. She heard one of them say," Hey new comer! Don't ever mention this to anyone or else you'll face the consequences." Looking at them, she said, "I will never do that." "You better," she said and resumed with what she was doing. 'Did they think she was stupid?' she thought.


Li Mei was sitting in the hotel thinking of different ways to see Li Fei. She decided to go back tomorrow and bribe the prison warden.

She logged in to Weibo after so long and as she scrolled down her feed, she was shocked by what she saw. News were all over stating that Li Bao had been removed from the CEO position of the Li enterprises following his daughter's accident scandal. She couldn't believe it. Didn't he leave yesterday saying that he was going to deal with it? She immediately called him several times but he didn't pick up. She went on WeChat and found several messages from her friends asking about the company. She immediately left there and started packing her things. She decided to leave for Beijing first thing in the morning.


As soon as Li Mei reached home, she asked the Butler if Li Bao was home and he said that he was in the study. When she reached there, she asked," What am I seeing in the news Li Bao?" He kept quiet and she asked again," Answer me! Is it true that you're no longer the CEO?" "Yes Li Mei. I did everything I can but they had already decided. They all voted against me," he said. "Who is the new CEO then?" she asked. "Some anonymous person who suddenly invested in the company," he stated. "What are we going to do now? I didn't get to see Li Fei."

"Why?" asked Li Bao. "I don't know. We were told that they were orders from above," she said.

"Don't worry. The Hu family is coming today so that we could talk things over and see if we could think of a solution," Li Bao said and she nodded. At this rate, nothing mattered like freeing their daughter.


"Everything went as planned. They chose you as their new CEO," said Wang Mel. "That is great," said Jin Liwei before hanging up. At first, he had planned on destroying the company but then he changed his mind and decided to take it instead. That way, it will hurt them more seeing their company owned by someone else.

Finally, it was Friday and Jin Liwei as planned went to visit the prison. Sitting in the Warden's office, he said," I did just like to told me Mr Jin Liwei. She isn't allowed to receive any visitors and to make any phone calls." "That's why I'm here. I need more. I want her to suffer and live miserably. Make her experience every form of torture you have in here," he said expressionlessly and honestly the warden felt pity for the girl. There was no way she was going to survive his ruthlessness. Sighing, he said," It will be done as you say, Mr Jin. Let me call someone who can do that perfectly." He made a phonecall and after ten minutes, the head guard came in the office. Slightly bowing her head, she said," Mr Jin, sir?" "Mr Jin has a very important task for you," the warden told her. "I will be very delighted to do it," she said. Jin Liwei said," Name your price. I want you to torture Li Fei in every possible way you can. I want to see her suffer with no one helping her. Except for one thing."

"And what is that Mr Jin?" she asked. "She shouldn't die no matter what. You can do anything you want with her so long as she doesn't die because if she does, you follow next," he said and the head guard felt shivers run down her spine. He didn't want her to die so easily and escape his wrath. "Y-yes. As you wish sir. About the payment, I will first accomplish the task, Mr Jin," she said and he nodded before standing and left the office. Leaving the office, Shi Ming had a smile on her face for the task given to her. Even though she hadn't been paid, she was happily going to do the task because she didn't like the girl.

Standing somewhere, she saw her eating her food as her mind started to plot evil ways on how to torture her.