Chapter 206 Give me the strength to move on

"And I'm praying that something blooms between the two of you in Shenzhen," she added and leaned closer to see her eyes closed.

"I know you've clearly heard me," she whispered before kissing her head and she also closed her eyes to sleep.

In the morning when they were from having breakfast, Li Mei asked," So then, when are you leaving?" "In two days," she replied and she nodded. "I'm going to visit Dad. Are you coming with me?" she asked as she checked herself in the mirror. "Of course. Let's go."

Reaching the cemetery, they walked to Li Bao's grave and they both placed flowers.

Li Mei said a few words to him and later stepped a side to let her talk to him also.

Kneeling down, Li Fei said,"Dad, I'm sorry for taking so long to visit you. I assume that you know everything that's going on in my life and I want to ask you to forgive me for not listening to you once again." She took a deep breath before saying," I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me. Perhaps, I would have gotten a better way to deal with things. I'm leaving for Shenzhen Dad. Please give me the strength to move on. And enable me forget about him. Good bye. I love you."

"You're done?" she asked and Li Fei nodded.

When they entered the car, she said,"You should forget about all the negative things when you reach Shenzhen. Have fun to the fullest." She nodded at that and she continued to say," I will be eagerly waiting for the great news. To let me know that you two are a thing." She groaned and looked outside then said," You really like that conversation Mom." She shrugged her shoulders and replied,"I can't help it. Are we going back home?" "No. You will drop me off at Jianyus place. I need to do some packing," she said.

Reaching the house, Li Mei said," I will escort you to the airport."

"Alright Mom."

Getting inside, she found Jianyu resting at the couch.

"Welcome back. I hope all is well," he said. "Yes. How have you been?" she asked taking a seat. "I'm okay. It's just that the house felt empty without you." "Are you done with everything at the company?" she questioned. "Yes. Everything is sorted and the new vice president has been appointed," he said and she nodded. "I will go and do some packing," she said before leaving.

After everything, she called Liling.

"Darling, how are you?" Liling asked. "I'm alright. How are you?" "A little bit stressed." "About?" Li Fei asked. "It's been quite sometime ever since Jing Yue started his treatment but there's nothing." "Liling, I don't know what to tell you. All I can say is that be patient with him."

"I know. Forgive me for troubling you when you have your own issues." "It is really okay I understand. I called to let you know that I'm moving to Shenzhen." "When is that?" "The day after tomorrow." "Oh! For how long?" "I'm not sure. I might choose to stay. I'm going with Jianyu." "Oh? So you two- "

"There's nothing. He's just accompanying me."

"Okay.. Not that I would mind it if it was beyond that," she said. "Liling!" Li Fei warned.

"Okay okay. Ah FeiFei, I need your opinion. What do you think about adopting?" "You mean you and Jing Yue adopting a child?" "Yes. It seems like we've failed to get our own. And I would like to experience motherhood." "It wouldn't be a bad idea but I think you're rushing. It's not yet time to give up. Have you spoken to Jing Yue about it?" "Not yet. I was thinking of doing it today night." "I still think that you've decided so fast." "Okay, I will give it a month then." "A month Liling? It's still soon." "You know what FeiFei, thanks for being a good friend. Bye," she said before hanging up.

Not long after, Jianyu came in her room. "I came across these condominiums. What do you think about them?" he asked handing her the tablet.

" Are they in Shenzhen?" she asked looking at him and he nodded.

"I think they are nice. Are you going to buy one?" she asked analyzing them. "Yes, for us. Ain't we staying together?" She looked at him and said," No. We didn't talk about that." "Oh? Where are you going to stay then?" "I haven't yet gotten a place but I will. We are not sharing a house," she made things clear.


"Jianyu, please take care of FeiFei," Li Mei said as they waited for her who had gone to the washroom. "I don't mind being besides her for twenty four hours a day if she let me," he replied. "I understand. Jianyu, I want you to know that I still think that you're the best choice for her." "Thank you Ms Li." "In that case, I will be waiting for some good news," she said. "Hopefully," he replied.

"I'm back," announced Li Fei and her mother inched closer then hugged her.

"I wish you all the best. Have fun to the maximum," she said. "I will. Thanks Mom."

"It is time," said Jianyu and the two pulled away. "Have a safe trip and let me know when you reach," she said and she nodded.

"Take care of yourself too. And tell Jiang that I will miss him," she said.

With that, the two pulled away and they left to board.


In their usual chilling spot, Jing Yue asked," How have you been doing? You don't look good at all."

"Bad but I will go through this," replied Jin Liwei as he sipped on his drink. "Did you tell your parents about the cancellation of the wedding?" "I did. And they didn't take it pretty well," he said. "As expected. It seems like the Yan boy has finally gotten what he always wanted." "You mean she staying at his house," said Jin Liwei. "They are leaving together for Shenzhen I think today," he said. "Leaving together?"

"Yes Liling told me. They are going to start a fresh," he added. Jin Liwei gulped an entire glass of liquor and asked," So they are dating now?"

"Maybe. Why else would they go out of town together? You messed up pretty bad Jin Liwei."