Chapter 207 That will make it difficult

Three and a half hours later, they had reached Shenzhen and they went to the hotel.

Each checking into their own room, Li Fei had a bath first. Walking to the room's balcony, she leaned over the railing and her thoughts ran. She wondered if this trip was worth it. Will she ever forget about him?

Even though everything was fake to him, she couldn't deny that she missed him so much. Somehow, she wished he didn't reveal the truth to her and instead let them be.

Her hands subconsciously touched her neck in an attempt to hold the pendant and she realized that it was not there, lowering them in despair. When it became unbearably cold, she went back inside and found her phone ringing.

Looking, it was unknown number and she contemplated on answering it or not. When it rang for the second time, she picked up.

"Hello," she spoke but got no reply. "Who's this?" she asked. "I'm going to hang up if you don't speak." "Bye," she hung up.

Jin Liwei placed the phone down when the call ended and he took a deep breath. Hearing her voice once again felt like finding a drop of water in the desert and even though it didn't have the warmth it always held whenever she talked to him, it was something to keep him going.

He typed a message before sending it.

Li Fei who was still wondering who the caller was received a message. "Good night FeiFei," it read making her more confused. Who could it be? That instant, she heard a knock on the door and she went to open it. Dinner was brought in and she thanked them.

After the dinner, she opened her PC and began searching for suitable residents within Shenzhen. She contacted a number of them and made an appointment tomorrow.

Afterwards, she laid on the bed and soon drifted off to sleep.

The next day, she woke up and got ready to leave when she heard a knock on the door. Opening, there was a delivery man who carried purple tulips. "Are you Ms Li Fei?" "Yes. Are these mine?" "Yes Ma'am. Please sign here," he said. "Who sent them to me?" she asked taking them in her hands. "He didn't reveal his identity. Please excuse me," he said and left.

When she closed the door, she sniffed in the fresh scent of the flowers and a small smile came to settle on her lips. Could it be Jianyu?

Just then, there was a knock on the door and when she opened, it was Jianyu. "Good morning," she greeted him.

"Good morning. How was your night?" he asked getting in. "Not bad." "I decided not to bother you last night because I thought you were tired." "Yeah, I really needed some rest," she said. "Where did you get the flowers? They look pretty." "Ain't you the one that sent them?" she asked looking at him. "No. Who gave them to you?" "They were just delivered and they said that they were mine." "Okay. You look dressed. Where are you going?" "To have a look at some houses," she replied.

"Let's go together," he said and she nodded. Going inside the room, she placed the flowers in the container with water and checked herself out for the last time.

They checked three places and at the fourth, Li Fei thought that it was nice. Taking a tour around the house again, she liked the simplicity and decided to buy it. "You like it?" Jianyu asked and she nodded. "Okay then. I hope you don't mind me being your neighbor," he told her. "Meaning?" "I'm moving in next door," he informed her. "Oh? Why so?" she asked.

"I just want to be close to you." "Jianyu, I don't mean to be harsh or rude but it is the little things that will make it difficult for you to let go of how you feel." He took a while to say," Don't worry about me. I have dealt with these feelings for so long and I can perfectly take care of myself. I don't expect anything in return. I just want to protect you." If she thought that he was giving up on her for the second time then she was very wrong.

He wasn't going to lose her to someone else.

Speaking with the owners, they concluded that they were making payments and moving in the next day.

As Li Fei was organising her new house she had just moved into, she heard a knock on the door and on opening, it was another delivery of purple roses.

"Ms Li Fei?" he asked. "Yes?" "These are yours. Please sign here," he said giving them to her. "Where are they coming from?" she asked. "He didn't reveal his identity," he said and she frowned. "Please take them."

She took them as asked and went back inside. There were chocolates in the roses and she placed them on the table. Placing a finger below her chin, she wondered who would be sending her flowers. Could it be that she was being followed since the same flowers were sent at the hotel?

She was now starting to get scared at the thought that she was being watched.

Her eyes widened when she thought that it could be Liu Han. But could it be possible?

Still thinking, she heard a message pop on her phone and she went to check it immediately.

'Hope you liked them,' it was sent from the same unknown number that had called her yesterday. She immediately called the number wanting to know who it was but no one picked up.

Frowning, she sent a message,' Who are you?'

Not getting a reply, she thought that maybe it was a trap. Looking at the flowers, she wondered if she should throw them away but they looked pretty. Not knowing what to do, she decided to leave them at the table meanwhile as she went back to her work.

The next day, she was done with everything when Jianyu came to her house.

"Let's go for sight seeing," he proposed. "Hmm, It's a good idea. Let me grab my purse," she said heading to her bedroom.