Chapter 211 I will never forget that

At around noon, Jianyu proposed that they should have a walk and having nothing to do, Li Fei agreed. "Where are we going?" she asked on entering the car. "You will see," he replied before starting the car and hit the road.

On seeing the place, she was awestruck and exclaimed," Wow, the beach!"

"You like it?" he asked and she nodded her head vigorously. "I'm glad," he said and he left the car to open for her.

He was pleased to see that he was responsible for putting a smile on her face.

When they made way towards the beach, they got a spot to sit in which they had a good view of the clear blue lake. "I will go get the snacks," he said and she nodded.

When he left, she got her phone to make herself busy.

When she later raised her eyes, she caught sight of someone she never thought to cross paths with again. She blinked to make sure she wasn't seeing things and the next moment, he turned around and their eyes met.

He looked surprised just like her and made way to where she was. "Li Fei! What are you doing here?!" he asked. "I-I Nothing. What are you doing here? I thought you were in the.."

"Hospital. I was discharged last month. I'm completely fine now," he explained. "That is good to hear," she replied. "So, what are you doing in Shenzhen?" he asked. "I'm on vacation," she answered. "I see. Are you alone?" he asked.

"I'm with a friend," she replied and he nodded.

"What are you doing in Shenzhen too?"

"I came two days ago to visit a few relatives before I could proceed. I will be leaving tomorrow," he said.

That moment, Jianyu came back and he looked at him questioningly.

"Oh Jianyu, this is Caihong. He was a doctor in the prison. Caihong, this is Jianyu my friend." Jianyu just nodded at him and he looked away.

"Why don't you join us Caihong? It's only the two of us," she proposed and he gave it a thought before agreeing.

Jianyu's face darkened when he agreed.

He had thought that they had the whole day to themselves.

Caihong joined them and they spent the rest of the day having fun.

When it clocked six in the evening, Jianyu proposed that they should leave. Walking towards the parking, Caihong asked Li Fei to give him some time to speak to her in private. At that, she asked Jianyu to wait for her in the car.

"Uhm, I don't mean to meddle but where's Mr Jin Liwei?" he asked. "In Shanghai of course," she replied. "I know but I thought that you two had something going on," he said. "Well, you thought wrong," she answered. "Okay. Uh, I can tell that your friend is interested in you," he commented but she didn't give off any response.

"I actually wanted to apologise for everything I did to you Li Fei. I think it was the fear of losing you," he said. "You don't have to apologise. We both know that you weren't doing well and perhaps, you were there for me when I needed help. I will never forget that."

"My feelings for you were true though," he said. "I'm sure that you'll find someone who will love you," she said. "I pray I do," he replied.

"So, where are you going?" she asked. "I will permanently move to Hong Kong. I joined a program which aids people with mental issues. Hopefully, we shall make this world a better place," he said and she nodded.

"That is so good. What can I say, I'm proud of you," she said. "If I may, a hug please," he said and although she was hesitant, she accepted.

Jianyu was watching the exchange between the two and his expression soured.

He had planned to ask Li Fei to give them a chance today but who would have thought that they would find an acquaintance?

His face darkened when he saw them hugging and when she came towards the car, he tried to calm down.

When they hit the road, Li Fei realized that he was unusually quiet but she didn't pay heed to it thinking that he might be tired.

When he packed, he said," You seem to be so close with the doctor friend." "I was but I had taken long without seeing him. He was really of great help to me when I was in prison," she said unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Okay. Have a good night," he said.

When she reached the house, she found missed calls from Liling and called her back immediately.

"Guess who I saw today," she said the moment she picked up. "Jin Liwei!" she guessed. "Liling!" she reprimanded. "I'm sorry. Who then?" she asked.

"Caihong." "What?! When did he leave the hospital?" "A month ago." "What was he doing in Shenzhen?" "He told me that he came to visit some relatives." "Are you sure? Let's hope he's not stocking you again," said Liling.

"I don't think so. I think it was a pure coincidence," she replied.

"Let's hope so. Is he now fine?" "He told me so and he seemed fine," she replied.

"Be very careful FeiFei. Don't trust him," she advised.

After speaking to Liling, she started pondering over her words. Could it be that he was stocking her again? What if he was the unknown person sending her flowers and mysterious calls. She felt goosebumps cover her skin at the thought and she rubbed her hands on her arms. She hoped it wasn't the case because this time round, there was no knight in shining armor to save the damsel in distress.

Just in time, she received a call from the unknown number and she refused to pick up.

A while later, it sent a message reading," Good night FeiFei."

She thought of informing the police about the mysterious calls and flowers just to be on a safe side. She just hoped not to see Caihong ever again.

In the next days, Jianyu didn't come to her house and she thought that he might be busy because she was also occupied with organising the official release of Suyin's new album.