Chapter 212 What was he doing here?

On one evening when Li Fei and Suyin were from meeting an investor, the latter was driving them home when she said," It's quite sometime since I last saw Jianyu picking you up from work." "I think he's busy with work," she replied. "You said he has no girlfriend didn't you?" asked Suyin. "Did I?" she asked looking at her. "I don't clearly remember," Suyin replied.

A while later, Li Fei asked,"Suyin, let me ask. Do you like Jianyu?"

Her face turned red and she said," No! I don't! Why do you think so?" "Just an idea that crossed my mind," she replied.

"I don't. But I think he likes you." "You do?" she questioned her back. "Yes. Absolutely."

Speaking of Jianyu, Li Fei realized that it is a week ever since she last saw him and she wondered if he was so busy.

As she was in her kitchen preparing a bowl of instant noodles, she heard someone knocking on the door and she went to open. Just as she had thought.

"You. It's been quite long," she said as she stepped aside so that he could come in.

"I've been occupied," he replied getting in. "I guessed so," she said following after him. When he took a seat at the couch, she followed suit and asked," Should I get you something? A cup of coffee perhaps?"

"That would do. Thank you."

She went to the kitchen and began making the coffee. "How is your work?" she was startled by the sudden voice. "You scared me," she said turning to look at him. "I'm sorry," he replied taking steps to where she was and she put her attention back to the coffee.

Getting done, she poured it in the cups and turned to look at him when she realized that he was so close to her.

He placed his hands on either sides of the kitchen counter, trapping her in between and she gasped. "What are you doing?" she asked with her eyes wide.

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered and she tried hard to calm down but couldn't.

"Step back," she said. "No," he replied.

"What do you want?" she asked. "I need to know. For all the time we've spent together, don't you feel anything for me? Didn't you miss my presence when I wasn't around?"

"Well, I missed you but as a friend, nothing beyond that." "Why don't you see me beyond that?" he asked. "I just can't," she replied looking at him. "You still love him?"

"Unfortunately yes," she replied and he removed his hands before taking a few steps back. "Give us a chance," he told her. "No Jianyu," she said and she watched him leave the kitchen. A while later, she went to the living room and saw that he had left.

Li Fei had been worried that the incident might affect their friendship but she was glad that Jianyu acted normally as though nothing happened.

At night when she was in the bed, she realized something. A week had passed ever since the unknown number stopped sending her messages and flowers. For some unknown reason, it didn't sit well with her because she had gotten used to them.

As days passed, she was getting busier with the official release of the new album.

As they had gone to get a dress for Suyin, she asked," Ain't you going to get a dress for yourself?"

"No. What for?" she asked. "As my manager. You have to look good too." "I have something simple I will dress in. I don't have to buy a dress," replied Li Fei. "I don't think it should be something simple. You have to give a speech," she reminded her. "I know. Don't worry about me," she said. "Okay. I will try these three," said Suyin before walking to the dressing room.


Finally, it was the day for the launching of the new album.

Li Fei was in the changing room helping Suyin change into her dress and after, she commented," You look so beautiful Suyin." "Thank you," she replied walking to the mirror to take a look at herself and she asked," Do you think they will like the songs?" "I think they will love them. Have confidence in yourself. You have the voice of an Angel," Li Fei complimented her. "Thank you," she replied smiling.

Not long after, it was time for Suyin to step onto the stage and Li Fei nodded at her, before saying," Go ahead."

Just then, she received a call from her mother.

"FeiFei, how is everything?" she asked. "Suyin has just stepped on stage. I haven't joined the guests yet," she replied. "I believe you're going to do great. I wish I was there to support you." "Thank you mother but I need to get ready and go to support Suyin, bye," she said before hanging up.

She changed into her dress and applied minimal makeup before walking to the hall to join the other guests.

She was glad to see that people had turned up in large numbers. She stood among the crowd and watched Suyin singing. Seeing the fascination and amusement within the crowds, she couldn't help but smile. She was indeed proud of herself.

Remembering their beloved CEO, her eyes scanned the hall looking for her and she caught sight of her speaking to some business men. She decided to go to her but before she could reach where they were, she saw someone amongst them and she froze in place. She felt all the blood drain from her face and she quickly turned in an attempt to hide herself. In all places, in all times and in all people, what was he doing here?!!

She felt her heart pounding in her chest and she decided to flee away from the place as soon as possible before the matter gets out of hand. She had hardly taken a few steps when she heard," Ms Li Fei," and her body stiffened. It was the CEO calling her and she cursed at her bad luck. Just why did she come?!! "Li Fei," she was called again and she slowly turned to see them all looking at her, him inclusive.

"Please come here for a moment," she repeated.

She internally told herself,' Calm down. Everything is going to be okay. You can make it,' and she walked to where they were.

"Is everything alright?" the CEO asked and Li Fei nodded. She could feel his unwavering gaze on her.