Chapter 241 Don't hate me

"Alright let's do this. We shall travel to Shenzhen together and from there, we shall go to Shanghai so that I talk to your mother and brother. What do you say?"

"I don't think you should travel in this state Jin Liwei," answered Li Fei. "The same thing I think about your situation. If I can't travel then so do you." "You're so stubborn," she muttered. "You more. If you're leaving then we should do it together."

She rolled her eyes and said," Alright. We shall be leaving in a week." "Perfect with me," he replied.

"Jin Liwei, I personally think that we should hand Liu Han to the authorities. What do you think?" she asked. "If you say so," he replied.

When she got up to go to the bathroom, she heard him say," Careful so that you don't trip in the bathroom."

"I know Jin Liwei," she replied as she walked away.

On coming back, she found that he was already sitting in his wheelchair. She changed the sheets and after said, "I will go and check if Yin Chen made something for breakfast." "No stay here. She will bring the breakfast here," he told her. "Why's that?" "You might trip and fall," he said. She frowned and replied,"Jin Liwei come on. I can perfectly take care of myself."


When the two reached Shenzhen, they headed to Li Fei's condominium and on passing by Jianyu's unit, she realized that he was not home. After helping Jin Liwei get to the house, Wang Mel left the two of them.

"Jianyu is not here. I will call and inform him that I'm here and that I need to talk to him," she told him as she searched for his contact.

It was evening when the two were in the bedroom and they heard a knock on the front door. "I think it's Jianyu. I will go and talk to him," she informed him. "I will come along," he said. "You don't have to come along. I will manage."

"Sure?" he asked and she nodded before giving him a peck on his lips and walked out of the bedroom.

Opening the door, Jianyu looked at her for a while before walking in and took a seat. "I must admit that I didn't expect you to come back to Shenzhen. I suppose you came to pick your things."

"That and some other things," she replied and he nodded. "Can I get you anything?" she asked. "Water will do. Thank you." Going to the kitchen, she came back with a glass of water and handed it to him before taking a seat facing him. "How have you been?" she asked him. "Fair. How is the baby?" he asked looking at her belly which was still flat.

"Healthy I guess," she replied and after that, the two sat in silence not saying anything else to each other. Realizing that they were wasting time, she started," Jianyu, I wanted to inform you that Jin Liwei and I got back together officially and..we are getting married in a month."

He raised his brows in question because from what he remembers, the guy has never loved her.

"You're doing it because of the child?" he asked. "No Jianyu, there's something you don't know. Jin Liwei and I have always loved each other. It was all because..." Her voice trailed as she gave him a brief explanation of things.

"So that's how it was.." he said after listening to her explanation. "Yes. At first when I found out, I thought that I wasn't getting back together with him so as to punish him for deciding recklessly even though I was punishing myself too but the baby got into the picture. I also realized that I cannot be without him after I nearly lost him in the accident and I decided not to waste any more time because you never know what might happen tomorrow. I just hope you understand me Jianyu."

"You don't owe me any explanation Li Fei," he replied. "Of course I owe you one because first of all, I brought the idea of us getting married. Secondly, you have been so nice to me and my family. You have been that person that I could always lean on in all situations yet you didn't ask for anything in return."

"Of course I wanted something in return. It was your love," he said. "And you have no idea how bad I feel that I couldn't give it to you. Am informing you about this because I also don't want to lose you as a friend, if it's still possible. I just wish you the best and I'm sure that you will find that special someone some day."

He sighed and asked," Did he stay in Shanghai?"

"No he's here. In the bedroom." "Oh. Well tell him that I wish him a quick recovery and that, I ask him to treat you as good as you deserve." She gave a small smile and said," I will tell him, thank you. So then, are you going back to Beijing?" "I don't think so. I think I will just stay here," he said as he stood up. "Okay. Jianyu please don't hate me," she said looking at him. "I won't. I will leave and don't take much of your time," he said. "Have a good night," she said as she walked him to the door.

Going back to the bedroom, she found Jin Liwei seated in his wheelchair and asked," You left the bed already?" "Yes. You didn't tell me that it was actually you that brought the marriage proposal," he said looking at her and she sat on the bed. "So you were eavesdropping on the conversation," she said. "Of course. Tell me, had it not been my accident, were you really going to get married to that man?" "Of course not. I told you that I found out that I was pregnant the night before your accident." "Had it not been the pregnancy then? Will you have married him?" "Honestly I don't know. I was starting to regret as the day neared but I couldn't cancel it since I had initiated it in the first place." "So you were really going to get married?" he asked and she got up from the bed then went to sit on his lap.

"Let's forget about the past hmm," she got his hand and placed it on her belly then said," We should focus on the three of us." She leaned close and kissed his lips.