Chapter 242 No say in your decisions

Li Fei sat on the bed with the photo album in her hands as she flipped page by page.

Six months had passed ever since they had their wedding and her baby bump had grown so big. She smiled as she saw their pictures, in which she was with Jin Liwei. She realized that life was too perfect to be true and somehow it scared her. She wondered if a day would come when things would turn upside down.

Her husband loved and adored her more with every passing day. Her family and Jin Liwei had made peace and her nephew had been already born and right now, she caressed her bump at the thought that they were soon meeting their baby girl. The smile she had on her face faltered when she remembered her best friend Liling who up to now hadn't gotten the joy of being a mother. But, when she thought of it, Liling had a husband who loved her regardless.

Hearing footsteps coming towards the bedroom, she looked to the door and when it opened, she saw her beloved husband.

She smiled at him and he returned the smile with warmth. He walked to the bed and leaned down, giving her a kiss. "How are you?" he asked after pulling away and he sat with her on the bed.

"I'm alright. You came back earlier than I expected," she said since he had told her that he was going to come back late. "Yes. I finished the work earlier and I rushed back home to be with you and our baby girl. How is she?" he asked as his hands massaged her belly.

"She's kicking me like crazy. Playing all day," she replied and he bent down before kissing her belly. "That is good. It means that she's healthy, isn't it?" he asked and she nodded.

Seeing the album on her lap, he said," Looking at the wedding pictures again?" "Yes. I will never get tired of seeing them," she said and he joined her in seeing them as they reminisced about the best day of their lives.

"You looked so beautiful," he said and she smiled," You looked handsome too. Just like always." "I cannot believe time flies this fast," he said and she nodded.

"Six weeks left for us to meet our daughter. Isn't it?" he asked. "And it could be less," she said. "Really?" he asked. "Yeah." "That is so exciting. I will take a bath and join you soon," he said and pecked her lips before leaving.

When he came back, he found her still immersed in the photo album. "Did you have your dinner?" she asked when he joined in the bed. "Yes. It's time for your sleep," he said getting the album from her. She groaned in frustration and she organized the pillows before laying down. When he came to embrace her, she called," Jin Liwei." "Yes Jin Fei ?" he answered. "Tomorrow I'm going to see Liu Han. I hope you remember."

"You're not going anywhere," he said. "Why? You accepted the last time I spoke to you about it." "FeiFei, prisons are not places for pregnant women," he said. "I will be fine. I will go with guards and also, Wang Mel will come with me." "I don't want you to take my child there. What if something happens?"

"Nothing will happen to me," she said. "You're not going," he deadpanned. A while later, she said," You know what Jin Liwei, I'm going. I have to see her." He didn't respond and when he finally did, he said,"You will do what you want. After all, I have no say in your decisions." He let go of her and created space between them. She looked at him and frowned. This was probably their first time to argue ever since they got married.

In the morning, she was in bed watching him get dressed without telling her anything or sparing her a glance. When he wore his coat, he looked at her and asked," Are you still going?" "Yes," she replied. "Alright. Just do one thing for me. Take care of my daughter and make sure no harm befalls on her." She chuckled and said," Jin Liwei, I am one with your daughter and if something happens to me then it will be the same to her."

His eyes narrowed and he asked," You're aware of that and you're still going?" "Yes. I will be careful," she said as she got out of the covers to approach him.

When she saw him leaving, she winced in pain well knowing that it will attract his attention.

On hearing her wince, he came back hurriedly and ran to her side. "Is everything okay?" he asked looking at her concerned.

"Yes. She just kicked me hard," she replied before saying," Help me get up." He helped her stand up and said," You're still going to that filthy place? What if something like this happens to you over there?" "That was nothing. I faked it so that you could not leave," she said as she wrapped her hands around his waist. Looking into his eyes, she said," I have to see Liu Han in her pitiful state. It will do me good I promise." "But your condition- " "I'm just pregnant not sick. I will be very careful okay?" she asked and she tiptoed before giving him a kiss on his lips. When she pulled away, she let go of him and said," I want you to go knowing that I love you very much."

He left without replying anything.

Li Fei came out of the car and she looked at the place where she was locked for four years. The grey tall buildings looked the same.

"Is everything okay Ma'am?" Wang Mel who stood besides her asked. "Yes. I was just remembering something," she replied before saying," Let's go." As they were making way inside, a car parked in front of them and she realized that it was Jin Liwei's.

When he came out, she asked," What are you doing here?" "I couldn't relax knowing that you were coming to this place."