Chapter 5.

Two days had passed since the girl stayed at Carlos and Jazmin's house, being treated for her injuries.

Misha had taken that opportunity to try to befriend her, and although Arthur warned her not to get close to her, Misha ignored him, causing discomfort in her brother, Arthur for his part decided to keep an even closer eye on the little demon, to the point that he decided to train in the village, this made the intensity of the training with his father decrease.

For his part, Carlos was also uncomfortable with the little demon, because in the past he had fought and killed many of his kind, but those demons were adults, monsters at worst, but this demon was different, she was a girl, no older than his own daughter.

Carlos had tried to talk to her on one occasion but she did not respond, not even if Misha was there, nor did she eat or leave the house, for she seemed to be afraid of the Beastskins.

One afternoon when Carlos and his son Arthur were training with the wooden swords, until Arthur interrupted.

"Father, why do you let that demon stay here, leave him in the forest with the other monsters, or you could kill him yourself." Arthur mentioned with a straight face, as did his voice.

"Why wouldn't I, she hasn't done anything wrong." Carlos answered with a neutral tone of voice.

"Because she is a demon, she is the enemy, demons are evil and she will do very bad things soon father."

"How are you so sure, what does it matter if she is a demon, it doesn't mean that makes her an evil being, and even though her mana is dark and cold, I can't sense a hint of evil in her."

"She may be deceiving you." Arthur replied somewhat annoyed.

"She can't fool me, besides, it looks like I'll have to teach you something else." Carlos replied with a slight smile. "The Beastskins in this town as well as in many others, are good and kind, right?" Carlos asked.

"Yes father."

"Why do you think that is, because they were born that way? No, The Beastskins in this town were raised with love and patience to be that kind, everyone helps each other with what they can, the farmers have helped build the school you are in, the adventurous Beastskins even help with the crops, they do it because they were raised that way, now imagine what would happen if a Beastskin was raised by orcs, she would be violent, fight loving and not kind at all, they would be just like the demons you describe, just because she has horns and her skin is gray and her eyes are red, doesn't mean she is evil, she is scared and doesn't fight, she is even obedient and a bit orderly, because her parents have raised her that way, just because she is a demon doesn't mean she is evil, and just as is your way of thinking towards her, is how other humans think of you others, that mentality leads them to do troces things, like destroying whole villages, because they believe Beastskins are dangerous, not caring if they are actually good and kind. "

those words made Arthur think, why did he think she was bad, because of her looks, those thoughts were wrong, he judged the little girl without a reason, and he had not been taught that by his father or mother, that made him feel a little bad, his father saw his confused face.

"You look a little bad, maybe you should apologize to her for what you said to her." Carlos replied with a smile on his face.

And just as his father said, Arthur went to apologize to the little demon that was with his sister, he apologized without knowing if he understood or not, but in doing so, the little demon answered him with a small smile showing her sharp teeth.

The days passed and Arthur seemed to be calmer in the presence of that demon girl, the girl told Jasmine and Carlos that she was in hell and that the last thing she remembered was that she was in a forest and that she had been attacked by monsters and something that seemed to be high level magic since they had managed to hurt her, since she was a high class demon.

Jasmine and Charles were surprised by a couple of things, that the girl could speak the human language and that she was a middle class demon.

As if that wasn't enough, an Angel had been spending several days flying around town, luckily they had kept the demoness hidden from the sight of other people, Carlos had made the decision to go with his father King Magnus Moldrigard to report on the demon girl in 1 more day.

Before that day arrived, Arthur asked his father to train him and asked him something that made him very curious.

-Father, why did you tell me that my fire magic wouldn't do anything to the demon?

-It's something I learned from my grandfather and my father, natural magic like fire, water, wind, rock and that kind couldn't kill demons of middle class and above, although they could hurt them, but not kill them, you can only kill a demon by destroying their hearts with special magic like light magic, dark magic, and that kind.

-Wow, that's great, and bad from what I see. -I answer with my arms crossed and my head cocked to one side.

-Why do you say that, Arthur?

-Well, according to father, very few people are able to use special magic, and I only have darkness magic as a special magic, and it's very slow to attack. -I answer with some discouragement.

-I know son, that's why I'm teaching you to use it with the sword, by joining the magic of darkness with the sword, the magic will take the shape of the sword, so the magic of darkness will get "Edge" so your sword and your magic will become stronger, you can lengthen the blade of darkness, you can throw cuts of darkness and many things more son, but for that you need to increase much more your Mana, let's practice.

Carlos and Arthur were practicing until nightfall, in that time, Arthur managed to cast several spells of darkness magic, he managed to cast the "Dark Cloak - Cut off" so they called it by the shape of the spell, he managed to increase the size of the blade of darkness and called it "DARK Cloak - Black Blade", even some defensive spells, like "BLACK HOLE" that spell could absorb and destroy the magic that was thrown at him, however it was still weak and stronger spells could repel it.


Demon Classes.

Low class demons.

Medium class demons.

High Class Demons

Superior Demons

Demon King.

The people of the kingdom and the villages cheered them as if they were going to war, for the rumor of the devil and the prince's treachery spread like wildfire.