Chapter 4

While Carlos and his son Arthur were walking home, in the forest they could see a shadow running with what seemed to be fear.

When Carlos and Arthur arrived at the town they could see a figure in the sky, it was an angel that flew at high speed over the town, the Beastskin were impressed by the appearance of one in their town, however, Carlos had a bad feeling when he saw it, being royalty he had been told that angels only appeared when there were demons nearby, or when there was a war, for that reason, Carlos sent Arthur to his house to take care of his mother and sister.

Carlos fearing that there was a demon nearby, took his sword and gathered a group of the strongest Beastskin to go searching.

Carlos' group spent a couple of hours searching through the forest without finding anything but simple ogres and goblins which they killed with some effort, as the afternoon wore on they decided to give up the search and returned to town.

When they arrived, Carlos and other men could feel 2 sources of strange mana, one seemed to be Arthur's, but it was different, it seemed as if he had increased his mana to the limit, and the other was different mana from that of the townspeople, it seemed to be much larger than Arthur's, but that strange mana did not seem violent, but he felt something dark, to which Carlos shouted to the Beastskin.

-Run quickly to my house, the demon may be there! -He shouted loudly and with some concern while he summoned a spell. -LIGHTNING CREATION MAGIC - LIGHTNING BOOTS! -He shouted as his legs created blue boots that increased his speed and left a trail of lightning as he passed.

It took him less than 40 seconds to reach his house, opening the door with a bang he could only watch as Arthur held a katana wrapped with fire magic while his mother and sister and other people who seemed to cover what appeared to be the Demon.

-Get away from that thing mother, it's a demon and we have to kill it! -Arthur shouted looking at the demon.

-What's going on and why are you protecting that demon! -Carlos shouted.

-Carlos, please tell Arthur to put his sword down, this demon is not dangerous, just look at it please! -She was a girl that seemed to be Misha's age, she had gray skin covered with black clothes, you could also see her red eyes with thin pupils and two horns coming out of the sides of her head, but that was not the only thing, her clothes were torn and she seemed to be wounded, she had some purple blood and she seemed to be afraid of Arthur.

-Arthur, deactivate your spell and lower the katana, she is not dangerous!

-But father, she is a demon, and her mana is dark and very big, more than mine! -I shouted with fear and without looking away from the demon.

-I said to deactivate it, besides your fire magic won't do anything to it, don't be stupid! -She said angrily as she looked at him.

Arthur deactivated his spell and lowered the Katana, while he asked his wife what had happened, to which she told him that after Arthur arrived at the house and told them that Carlos would go to the forest to look for something, she also told him that Arthur fell asleep because of Mana's exhaustion in the training, He said that after spending 1 hour in the outskirts of the forest the Beastskin found that demon girl and took her to their house to try to cure her, and that after spending 10 minutes treating her, Arthur woke up and when he saw her he ran for the katana that was on the wall and he charged her with fire magic to try to kill her, and that it was at that moment when Carlos arrived.

Jasmine told Carlos if they should go to the human village and go to the adventurer's center or to the church to report about the demon girl, to which Carlos said no, since calling the church could be a bad idea since they would kill the demon girl without caring if she was a little girl, and besides that, the next village would be a day away on horseback and it was getting dark to go there.

So they decided to take care of the demon girl so as not to cause the death of an innocent girl, even if she was a demon or not, she was still a child and had not done any harm, they thought that the wounds she had could be from some animal or beast because these last days there was more activity of monsters in the forest.

That same night, Jasmine decided to bathe the little demon girl to clean her, Misha, who was very curious, decided to accompany her in the bath, Misha seemed very excited, because it was the first time she saw a demon, and besides she had a lot of questions, Jasmine and Misha thought that maybe she was mute, but the reality was that she felt threatened by Arthur, who was watching her from afar exerting an intimidating pressure on her, and although he was weaker than her, he imposed fear in her eyes.