Chapter 7.

In a place far away from the town of Omah, even farther away from any human realm, you can observe an incredible group of people talking to each other, and although their faces could not be recognized, they know well who they are.

"Someone has to say it, Bellum has been influencing humans a lot, they already destroyed the Beastskin Kingdom, and I have a feeling they will do something else soon." A woman replied with concern in her voice.

"Ah, Come on Devina, don't be like that, I'm not the one giving juicy blessings to evil humans and innocent Beastskins to be hunted down as amusement to my own entertainment." Bellum replied with some sarcasm in his voice.

"What are you saying idiot, I've never done that." Devina replied annoyed as she stood up violently.

"Yeah... Aha, at least I'm doing my duty as a god of war, and I didn't provoke the holy war."

"No one said you started that war, that was the demon king, and if it wasn't for you, the mortals wouldn't have been able to fight." Gently replied a tall man.

"Hey, who asked the wise guy, besides, who cares about the mortals, what matters is that the angels take care of the mortals for now and that we regain all our power, so you better train and stop looking to fight, you fools." Replied Another man with an annoyed tone as he looked arrogantly at his companions.

"Ah, fuck off, I'll do what I want and influence the fights I want."

The moment he finished speaking they all parted from that place, ignoring the celestial landscape, except Bellum, the stout man gazed happily in mortal world.


Arthur and Charles was waiting near the forest , calm and quiet, only Arthur was swinging his sword as if he was fighting someone, which made his father look at him.

"Arthur, you'd better save your energy, in the forest there are all kinds of monsters and creatures."

"Never mind, I still have Physical Reinforcement Magic left." he replied confidently.

"Yes, of course, I suppose you know that this magic leaves you with a tired body after using it, right?".

"Of course I do father, I've been training this magic for a year now, those aftereffects don't affect me as much as before".

"Well, get ready, we'll be right in, remember, try to use the "Dark cut" a few times, see how you've progressed." Carlos suggested as he looked at him with a smile.

As the father and son entered the forest, they advanced for about 300 meters until they caught sight of a troll about 2 meters tall and weighing about 150 kilos, it was huge, green and ugly.

Carlos and Arthur got into combat position, the Troll looked at them with some doubt and then let out a roar and throw a powerful blow with his mace, Arthur and Carlos managed to evade the blow by a few inches jumping backwards, and before they could fall to the ground, the huge troll ran towards them swinging his huge mace.

"FIRE MAGIC - IGNIS PARIETE." Said Carlos quickly launching a flare of boiling fire hitting the troll who managed to cover himself, and just when the flare of fire ceased and the troll stopped covering himself with both arms, I could see Arthur with his drawn sword covered in Darkness.

"DARKNESS MAGIC - DARK CLOAK...". As he finished saying those last words, the darkness magic that partially covered the sword began to cover it completely, leaving a blade completely covered in darkness magic. "DARK CUT!" As the spell ended, a completely black blade came out of Arthur's sword and the last thing that troll saw was that blade approaching him to then see his own blood and let out a scream of pain.

Arthur and Carlos looked calmly at the huge body of the troll falling to the ground raising dust, Carlos turned to see his son Arthur with a smile, but what he saw was that the latter was panting and kneeling on the ground.

"It seems that you don't know how to control that spell well, your inexperience feeling the mana makes it more difficult for you." He answered seriously while analyzing his son's condition.

"N-no problem Father, I can still keep fighting." Arthur replied with difficulty as he tried to stand.

"Don't overexert yourself son, rest is also important, now let's go home and rest." he replied cheerfully as he looked at his son.

"But father, we only killed one troll." Arthur replied with difficulty.

"Don't worry son, hunting just one is better than nothing, now let's get out of here... by the way, I won't carry you, walk by yourself." replied Carlos while laughing loudly.

"But I already know that, I am weak, but not so weak." he answered with a slight smile.

As they both walked out of the forest towards the town in the distance they were watched by a silhouette high in the sky, the latter just let out a small smile as he flapped his majestic white wings.