Chapter 8.


-So the... my son, Prince Charles, is hiding a demon? -King Magnus asked, sitting on his throne.

-That's right my lord, the Angel has told me everything, he has hidden him in the village from the dirty and treacherous Beastskin's, he has also been seen training his son teaching him dark magic and teaching offensive magic to the villagers, it seems that they want to invade the Kingdom with the demon they are hiding, your Majesty. -A man of apparently 40 years of age with a white robe and a white pointed hat with a large golden staff answered, "And to think that my son is planning to steal the demon they are hiding, Your Majesty.

-And to think that my son plans to steal my throne with the help of those filthy beasts? Pontiff, I give you the order that you and your church take care of.... of my son... Traitor, by any means necessary, tell the adventurers closest to that village that they will be well rewarded for it, and you will take one of the magical knights. -Said King Magnus with an angry face, although for a few moments, it could be seen that his face showed what seemed to be sadness.

-I will do so, my lord. -The Pontiff replied as he withdrew from the castle with a smile on his face.

-All this is the fault of the damned Beastskins and that demon, they brainwashed him..... Damn them! -The King shouted to the air as a tear of sadness fell down his cheek.

When the Pontiff (leader of the church) came out of the castle he met the Angel who had been guarding the Omah village, where Prince Charles lived.

-And what did your "King" say, Pontiff? -The Angel asked, bowing a little.

-What I wanted to hear, it is time to do the will of the Gods, and our will is to assassinate Prince Charles along with the people of traitors and the demon that is there. -The Pontiff answered with a joyful smile on his face. -Prepare one or two of your companions, I will prepare my men.

-All right, Pontiff, I will call two of my companions. -As he finished speaking, the Angel made a small bow to the pontiff and flew away at full speed.

While the white-armored Angel was lost in the sky, the Pontiff had summoned 5 mid-ranked magical knights from the Rotten Moldrigard kingdom along with a group of A-class adventurers and his church deacons along with 3 Angels to his temple of gods and heroes.

-My loyal believers, adventurers and knights of the Rotten Moldrigard Kingdom, you have been gathered here by the King and by the will of the Gods, Prince Charles, heir to the throne, long ago married a filthy Beastskin, one of the treacherous race, and if that wasn't enough, they have sired two children, And that's not all my loyal followers, Prince Charles is hiding a demon in the village where he lives, the demon has brainwashed the prince to kill King Magnus and thus keep the throne! -At such words, both the deacons and the adventurers and magical knights were surprised to hear such news, they were confused and angry, so much was their anger that they cursed the one they once considered a "worthy Prince".

-That's not all, the prince plans to make his attack in 3 days, so we will go right now to the cursed town of Omah and we will do the will of the Gods? And that will is that we kill the traitors and that demon!.... For every dirty Beastskin you kill you will receive 5 Gold coins, do whatever you want with them just kill them when you are done, but be careful, the traitor Prince has great magical power... It is time to leave to do the will of the Gods! -shouted the Pontiff with a smile on his face.

Such words had ignited the anger of the adventurers who lived near the town of Omah and had not only ignited their fury but also their greed since for every Beastskin they killed they would be given 5 gold coins, that amount was enough to corrupt even the friendship that several adventurers and knights had with Prince Charles and his Beastskin family, some did it for the gold, others out of anger and jealousy they had of the Prince for having such a beautiful wife.

And just as the Pontiff said, that same night they all advanced on their way to the town of Omah, they all left on horses, in wagons, they all carried weapons and provisions for the journey, it was like watching a small army.

The people of the kingdom and the villages cheered them as if they were going to war, for the rumor of the devil and the prince's treachery spread like wildfire.