Bile (The Count)

“Where am I?” I asked.

Nausea still was very much a thing. A thing that was very much kicking my ass. It seemed to get worse and worse as the red hair woman drew closer…. And dear god was she close.

“Where am I?” I asked again.

The woman’s face was extremely blurred due to the massive headache I was gaining. The pain was beginning to become unbearable and so was my nausea. I could taste the sour flavor of vomit rising.

Instinctively, I rolled over. Suddenly, I was on the floor. I lay on my knees, regurgitating onto everywhere aimlessly nonstop. Air was not in reach I as spilled out what had been sitting inside me for what possibly could be decades.

“Ah nausea,” she said, “Accompanied by I’m guessing extreme headaches, blurred vision, and harsh fatigue?”

I managed to stop vomiting for a brief moment. My hands covered I a red sludge that I could only guess was my blood. I look up at the woman. My vision was still blurred. I was certain the very sight of her was making it worse.

“Common symptoms for someone in your predicament,” she continued.

I looked to my left to see the table that I was on originally. Weakly, I try to stand using the table for support. I began to put my weight on it. The table, along with my very being, began to tremble.

“That’s not a good idea,” the woman said.

I ignored her. I continued to try to steady myself. Applying a little more weight, I manage to get slightly off my knees before the table collapsed under my weight. I fell back onto floor. My body now drenched in red bile that smelled of viscera.

“You seem to not be very good at listening,” she continued to examine me, “and you seem to also have more strength than I anticipated.

I lay on the floor, motionless. I had used up all my energy trying to stand. I had nothing left. I was beginning to drift in and out of consciousness. The world dimming as my vision grew darker. I was going under yet again.

“It seems you’ve exhausted yourself,” she began, “good. We don’t want you doing anything to rash. We are here to “help” you after all….. well that is after you help me with my question.”

The world was almost gone. The stench from my vomit was vile. The room was now completely dark. All I could hear where voices, now.

“Security! Clean him up and prep him for questioning,” she said.

Faint footsteps were the last thing I heard. Within an instant, I was sucked back into darkness.