The Buzz (The Count)

“Wake up….”

A familiar voice could be heard in the distant. A voice that was soft and very familiar. A voice that scraped along my thoughts; trying to release painful memories. Memories that were haunting, yet lost to time. Memories that I had buried, and buried well. Memories of her…. someone I never wanted think about ever again. The memories to painful.

“He’s not waking up. Mr. Xaz? Would you be so kind?”

A abnormal silence filled the room. It was dark. A thick blanket of noir matted the area around me. Or, at least I think it did. I was exhausted. My body was stiff beyond belief and my mind a foggy mess. Thought was vacant and so was my will to be here.

Suddenly, a light buzz could be heard in the deep darkness. It was subtle at first. Then, the buzz got loud and loud. A blatant vibration filled the air as I drifted in and out of consciousness.

Out of nowhere, a distressing heat coursed over me. The heat intensified as the distasteful taste of coin filled my mouth and dance on my tongue. The buzzing had transformed into a loud ringing as if chimes had been struck in my ears.

I screamed in pain as the heat gained a violent sting that drilled into my bones. Unable to move, I endure the pain as the nerves in my veins twitched and popped with every passing second. Light flashed in and out as my vision weakened. I was about die.

Then…. It stopped.

“That’s enough for now, Mr. Xaz,” the soft voice stated, “we want him awake not dead.”

“Well, I’m awake now,” I stammered.

A brief silence filled the void.

“Good,” the voice said, “let us begin.”

Suddenly, bright lights filled the darkness that had surrounded me. I couldn’t see. Nor, did I think that they wanted me too.

I was lost. I was confused. I was exhausted. But, I knew deep down worse was yet to come.