The story of boy 2

Seeing his dreams, Kamala now started collecting some money so that when he turns 5 years old, she can teach him in a small school where she does not have to pay much money.

Time passes slowly and Kamal was now turning 5 years old. He started seeing his dream of going to school more closely in his eyes. One day when a health camp was organized in the railway colony, many doctors had come there, they were treating the patients, seeing that Kamal also started thinking that when he would grow up he will be a doctor so that he could treat his old mother because now Kamala health had started getting a little worse.

After a few days, when Kamala was thinking of enrolling Kamal in the school, her health started deteriorating due to which she could not enrol him. His health started deteriorating day by day, his end-time was drawing near. Champa would come to his house to see Kamala and she takes care of her. Kamala dies after 4 days of falling ill. The day Kamala dies, Kamal cries a lot, Champa tries to pacify her. The slum dwellers perform the last rites of Kamala with the money collected by him for Kamal studies.

Now Kamal had no one in this world, he now started living with Champa. For a few days, Champa's behaviour was fine but after few days there was a change in her behaviour as her earnings were less and Kamal is an extra burden on her. Champa sends Kamal to earn money, she says that "as you know how to sell peanuts"you should not go on the train for selling your peanuts you should sell them into the station only. He does the same for a few days and sells peanut on the station only but all his peanuts could not be sold due to which he started selling peanuts inside the train also. He started going on trains up to some stations where Kamala used to take him, he did not have any problem in those stations because he knew those stations very well, he does not face any problem in selling groundnut from the beginning. He used to return home in the evening. Now he started doing the same every day and started forgetting about his dreams of studies.

It goes on like this for a few months, then one day he unknowingly gets on another special train.

Like as I told you, one day inadvertently Kamal climbs into another train and starts selling peanuts. The train was very crowded, due to the crowd, he did not know that he had boarded on another train because that day on that track a new train had arrived. After a while, he gets tired of selling and sits in a corner. Due to tiredness, his eyes are closed and he starts sleeping.

He travels a long distance while sleeping. Now he reaches a big city. When his eyes open, he sees that he has reached an unknown and very big station. He is stunned. He does not understand that now what to do, where to go, he gets down and sits in one place, he had sold all the peanuts, now he had some money, so he bought food from a nearby stall and ate. He was crying, his tears could not stop.

With the money kept with him, he ate his dinner in the evening and the next morning. When he was getting up after eating food, about 3 years old girl would come in front of him and ask him for some money for food, now Kamal had only some money left, he also gave that money to him. After having dinner, he started roaming here and there at the station. While roaming around, he goes outside the station, he was still crying intermittently remembering his home and his mother.

On the other hand, the night when Kamal did not reach home. Champa got upset and started looking for him on the side of the station and kept looking for him here and there till the night, but after not getting it, she comes back to her house. The next morning she again tries to find him, but when she does not find him, she starts giving up hope of finding him.

Now it was evening again, now Kamal did not even have any money left to eat, he weeps in the evening and goes to sleep after drinking water at the station. The next morning he started roaming outside the station. He asked people for some money to fill his stomach, people started refusing to give him money. A kind person gave him something to eat.

It was afternoon, sitting on the side of the track outside the station, weeping remembering his mother and saying mother if you were alive, I would not have asked people for money, I would not have to starve, I miss you very much mother please come back, saying this, he started crying bitterly.

See the irony of fate, his fate had brought him, from where his story began, he was crying even now, he was still crying, he had no one then and still has no one.

As I told that kamal was crying, a girl was seeing him crying from afar, she comes near kamal. She asks him why are you crying and Kamal tells him the whole thing in tears and believes in him. The girl takes pity on him. She tries to calm down and asks him to go with her, after a while, he calms down and starts following Kamala.

While walking on the way, Kamal asked where do you live and where are you taking me, then she told that she lives with her friend in that train compartment. She told that she too got lost here when she was very young she also did not know about her house, she also collects money from people by asking for money, collecting garbage and sell them to fulfil her needs.

Kamal asked about her name, she told that her name is Kamala, then Kamal smiles and tells that her mother's name was also Kamala. Kamala asks about "Kamala" and Kamal tells her about his mother. They both go to the train compartment where Kamala feeds him her own kept food. Now it was night, in the night Kamal sleeps with the Kamala and her friend.