The Story of boy 3

Kamal asked about her name, she told that her name is Kamala, then Kamal smiles and tells that her mother's name was also Kamala. Kamala asks about "Kamala" and Kamal tells her about his mother. They both go to the train compartment where Kamala feeds him her own kept food. Now it was night, in the night Kamal sleeps with the Kamala and her friend.

The next morning it was time to go back to work. Kamala got ready to go, after washing her hands and face for picking up the garbage. Kamal had woken up in the morning along with Kamala. She also asked Kamal to accompany him. Kamal started seeing the image of his mother in Kamala, he started remembering how his mother used to pick him up to walk with him. He got up and grabbed his bag and went out with Kamala to pick up the garbage.

Both of them start collecting plastic waste on the train tracks and take it to a plastic shop and sell it. Then both of them go to the train to ask people for money, Kamala wore dirty clothes, so she got more money, while Kamal clothes were not too dirty, due to which people give her very little money. Kamala told Kamal that you are not looking poor, that's why people are not giving you money. Hearing this, Kamal put the dirt of the train on his clothes and asked that 'now am I looking poor'. Kamala smiles and says yes you look poor now. After some time whenever he went to ask for money, people started giving him more money.

Similarly, he would do the same thing every day collecting plastic in the morning and ask people for money for fulfilling her small needs. Kamala was almost 2 years older than Kamal, they both always lived together, roamed together, played together. Over time, both of them became very good friends.

Kamal and Kamala used to go to the train every day to ask for money. They also had to face many things there, many people cursed him, drove him away, even abused him, harassed him due to which he would feel very sad. Sometimes they would scold them and make them cry, but both of them would forget their sorrows and find their happiness in each other. In this way his life was going on, now he forgot his home and started considering Kamala as his everything.

Kamal was very kind, he used to help everyone. Whenever he ate, if a dog came in front of him, he would also give him some food of his share. He would always help the needy, help the blind to cross the road, help them to go out of the stations, he does not harm anyone but helps everyone as much as he can. Those whom he helped would bless him to be happy. Whenever he would see the school he was on the way to the station, he would miss his mother very much and would also feel very sad about the breaking of his dream.

This is how time passes, Kamala was now 12 years old and she used to do cleaning and utensils work in a Dhaba and sometimes Kamal also help her. Kamal spent his whole day collecting garbage. Now he does not ask people for money because, with Kamala's help, he used to get food too.

One day when he was picking up garbage on the tracks, he saw a dog's leg stuck in the middle of the tracks and a train was coming at high speed from afar. He thinks to help the dog and starts helping the dog. The train had come near and the dog's leg was not coming out with the effort was being made. The train comes closer, then suddenly the dog's leg goes out and the dog runs away from there.

Kamal gets up and as soon as he moves his foot forward, his foot slips and he falls, then the train crosses over him. The train crosses ahead and stops, people get down and start watching at him. A person overturns him. When he looked at him, he came to know that he had lost his life and there was a big deep wound on his head. Small drops of blood were spread around his dead body.

This accident news spread around like a fire by the people that someone has died on the tracks, Kamala also listens to it, but she had no idea that he is a kamal.

There is a friend of Kamala .he was picking up garbage, he saw the dead body of Kamal and on seeing it, he ran to Kamala. He told Kamala with a whiff that the one who died on the tracks is Kamal. Kamala immediately leaves the work and reaches there, she tries to go near Kamal's body but people stop her. Seeing the body, she wept bitterly. Her tears could not stop, because Kamal was her only friend, brother or support, who loved her. She started remembering the old days.

After a while, the train leaves from there and the police inspector sends his dead body for post-mortem. At 4:00 in the evening, her body is brought to Kamala, she laments a little, then Kamala takes her body to the crematorium with the help of her friends and performs her last rites there. Kamal lack can not be fulfilled in Kamala's life.

Kamala was still doing the same work at Dhaba when she turns 20, she marries the son of the Dhaba's owner and stays there.

# This story teaches us that it is not necessary to have relative in life because sometimes our relatives are the reason for our sorrows and those who are not our relatives are more useful than our relative.

# It is not necessary to have a blood relation for getting love, but it is necessary to have a love relationship.

# This story also shows us the misery of orphan children who earn their living by begging on the train. They work hard, we should not make fun of their helplessness but should help them. Every person has his compulsions because without any reason no one spreads his hand in front of others.

next story

Life after Death.