Love you brother (life 2)3

The police send the bodies of all three for post-mortem and extinguish the car fire. After a while, they ask all the family members to go home and ask one of the family members to accompany their dead body for post-mortem so that he can come back home with the body.

They all reached the village, the news had spread in the village that Kabir and Kavya (Chief's younger son and daughter-in-law) had died. A crowd of villagers had gathered in front of his house, on reaching home, Suresh gives a list to his servant and ask them to call his relatives and inform.

After a while, all the guests come one by one to join in the mourning, there the women keep crying loudly. The villagers come to know on going to the house that both the children of Kavya were born and one of them has also died.

Many people come to join the mourning, after a few hours, Ramesh comes home with dead bodies. They keep their body in the house for a while and mourn and then take it to the crematorium for cremation. While Weeping chief performs his cremation, the chief was completely broken by the death of his beloved son, the pain was visible in his eyes and his tears could not stop.

In the cremation, they cry and says why are you coming back home, if you had not come, then all this would not happen. If you would not come, atleast you will be alive, Ramesh Come closer, consoles them and silences them. Then after a while, they come back home. They start to feel guilty for being called back.

For a few days, the child is given to Ramesh and his wife for keeping by his grandfather. They take care of him for a few days.

After few days, her grandfather takes care of her himself, now the girl used to stay with him all the time, he used to take full care of her. They would lift and twirl him in his lap, they would feed him milk from the bottle and do all his work. After 6 months, the program of the first feeding is celebrated with great pomp and its naming ceremony is also done on the same day and she is given the name Meera, till now everyone used to call her baby.

All the family members pretended to love her but they had anger for her because now she was the sole owner of 50% of Kabir's property.

She learns to walk with her grandfather. They carry on her shoulder and take her for a walk. When Meera is 4 years old, her grandfather sends her to a big and expensive school, they used to pick and drop Meera and even teach her.

But when she is 7 years old, her grandfather's health starts deteriorating and he dies, as long as he was alive, the behaviour of the family members was fine for Meera, but after the death of her grandfather, everyone's behaviour was changed for Meera especially Ramesh, Suresh and Kamini.

Now they did not pretend to love her but used to taunt her.

After a few days, they take her out of the big private school and put her in the government school in the village. On asking by the villagers, they tell them that she is not good at studies, so they are putting her in the government school. If she is not good at studies then what is the point of spending so much money on her and now there is no one even to drop her at school. She feels sorry for the loss of her friends, but what would she do?

Now she goes to government school Suresh wife loved her a little, she never bothered her but used to help her.

Now the children of the house also started behaving in the same way as the elders, they used to play with him earlier but now they also stop playing with him. They would break his toys. They used to disturb her when she ate food. One day the four boys together tear off her favourite doll which was given to her by her grandfather. On that day she feels that happiness and love will never come back into his life and his life will be spent in sorrow and trouble.

In the village, there lived a friend of Meera's at government school, with whom Meera used to play, she used to go to play at his house. Now she used to live alone in her grandfather's room, even though she was small, she used to do all her work herself from laundry to cleanliness. Because it was the order of his elder mother. He just didn't have to cook food in the house till now.

It goes on like this for many years after his grandfather's death. She learns to ride a bicycle with her friend. Now she had reached class 5 and used to go to school in a cycle that belonged to her eldest brother Basant. Now the people of the house ask her to help her younger mother to cook food, so now she used to help her with her studies as well as in household chores.

One day her schoolmates go for a picnic in the forest, she also goes there with her friend, it was the same place where her mother and father died in an accident but she did not knows about it. When all the children reach there, her teacher distributes all the children in pairs. Meera pairs up with her friend and they get a project to collect different types of leaves in the forest, which they get by taking out the slips. Then their teacher tells them to go in one direction, each group is sent in a different direction. Meera and her friend are sent towards the direction of the deep end and they go there.