Love you brother (life 2)4

After travelling some distance, when they come down towards the slope while collecting leaves, then Meera hears someone's cry. His friend Can't hear that sound but Meera was still hearing that voice. Meera pulls her friend toward that voice forcibly. She keeps saying that she is not hearing anything but she takes him away. Meera goes a little farther.

Then she sees a child crying there who looked a bit like her but he was dressed in boy's clothes. Meera asks her friend again, now you can see a child crying there. She says "no," Meera says look carefully, but her friend says I just see a thick tree there whose leaves are different. she goes towards him saying that. she can see the body of the crying boy. Her friend starts collecting leaves while crossing from the body of the boy. Meera is surprised to see how her friend has crossed her. She gets scared then she asks her friend to leave from there, she thinks it is the ghost which she is seeing.

She thinks that he will be a good ghost, that's why he doesn't harm anyone, she keeps thinking about this in her mind and remains lost. She also keeps thinking, why did he only appear to her. Then they reach the same place from where their teacher had sent them, then all the children slowly reach there one by one.

After the project is over, everyone cooks food together, then after having lunch, they leave for school. As school is over, Meera returns home with her friend.

In the evening, when Meera was cutting vegetables with her younger mother, she seemed lost in herself, then her younger mother asks her where are you lost Meera, where are your attention? So she says nothing, mother.

But on repeated inquiries from her younger mother, she asks them whether humans ever see souls. His younger mother says no, people do not see souls, but I have heard that people see souls only when they are both connected or if a person has done bad to that soul or either that soul want to take revenge on someone. Then Suresh gives a voice to Meera's younger mother and she gets up and leaves from there.

In the night when she goes to sleep, the thought keeps spinning in her mind that, she has not harmed that soul and if that soul wanted to take revenge on her, she would have attacked her yesterday. She thinks there must be some connection between them, he also looked like her. Then she thinks that if he is my twin brother (about whom his grandfather had told) thinking about all this, she falls asleep.

In dreams at night, she sees that she and her brother are going on the road and suddenly a car crushes her brother. She gets up and sits suddenly, then she does not sleep through the whole night, the next night she visualises the same dream, due to which she becomes restless.

She leaves the school the next day and reaches that place alone in her cycle and sees the crying boy there again. The boy gets shocked seeing him because no one had seen him yet, no one had talked to him.

He was scared. she asks him why are you crying. At first, he doesn't say anything(Meera was also scared but she went there because of her dreams) she tries to tell her in a gesture but Meera cannot understand anything, due to which the ghost touches Meera and she knows her language, this happens due to magic.

He tells her that an accident happened of his parents and him. His parents have got salvation but he has not got salvation yet, probably because he has to complete some tasks. Because of that accident, his soul is stuck at this place and he cannot go anywhere else from there.

Meera leaves his fear and now asks him more questions. He tells Meera that he did not have an accident but was killed when he was born.

Meera says you were very small when you were killed, how did you come to know about all this. So he calls out to the elephant, which was the same elephant that was standing there when his parents died and the car collided with the elephant mother. He tells him that this elephant has told him all this .she ask, you understand her language ? he replied yes he can talk to her and also he is her friend. Meera was a little surprised.

After talking to Meera, the boy's fear starts to end, then the boy asks her how can you see me? Meera says I don't know but according to my younger mother's saying, there is some connection between both of us. she said that humans can see the soul when there is some connection between them or you have done something bad to the soul or that soul wants to take revenge on you.

I have not harmed you and you do not want to take revenge on me, then surely there can be some connection between us, she tells that my parents also had an accident in this forest but I don't know where it happened. My grandfather told me that I also had a twin brother who also died in an accident, I was also born in this forest and I was the only survivor of that accident. The boy says in surprise then so you are my sister! It was told by the elephant that those who killed me had taken my sister away. So are you my brother? Then both of them are very happy and try to touch each other but they cannot touch each other. Meera asks him to go with her.