My Name Is Choice

As the younger son Sammy had helped his father and headed for human world merrily jumping in happiness because he would now have some days when he would be a lone wandering wolf without anyone nagging and schooling him .

On the other side, Emmy was already in a meeting in his office inside the company dealing with something urgent.

But his heart .. was way too restless . He didn't know why it was like that but it was for sure. He knew that something big was going to happen and he surely was going to be a part of it.

Not feeling well and not being able to suppress his uneasiness anyore, Emmy dismissed the meeting and asked the clients to send him a report of all of the conditions over which they were negotiating and asked for his leave as he gave off the reason of being somewhere else urgently.

Anybody and nobody had the say as to why he was leaving suddenly because, he was the CEO, working CEO and everybody knew his ways.

Although he didn’t attend the meetings, yet he always had every bit of information regarding what had been happening in his absence and that too in every minute details.

This was his character. People respected him for this. He kept his employees happy because for him the company runs solely due to their hard works and it should be paid accordingly.

He stormed out of the meeting room like he was trapped there and started going towards the elevator so that he could get out of the company as soon as possible .

Ignoring all the people in his way who were greeting him , he went into the elevator and with his long fingers he pressed the button to head for the ground floor.

As he stepped out of the elevator and headed out of the building, he kept on walking towards the parking area where his black limo was parked. He was walking like he had been drugged and was not in his senses. His condition was like he had been hypnotized strongly .

But realizing that he had been standing in the car parking area and was being watched by the guards over there, he became even more restless and stepped inside his majestic limo storming out of the building while stepping on the gas, even not knowing where he was going to.

After a drive of about 15 minutes, he stopped and applied brakes causing the car tyres to screech over the road and produce a tearing sound like... "eeeeeeeeeeeeeee".

With the sudden application of brakes , the car halted in its tracks and the aloof man stepped out of it striding his long legs tick-tacking his branded brown boots.

He was restless and raged too and in his uneasiness and frustration , he kicked the car tyre strongly shouting on top of his lungs….

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......" while holding his hairs with both of his hands.

All of a sudden he realised that he had been to a place , which was new over the road and was heading out of the city.


I was feeling restless from the moment father had told me to visit the jungle present in the outskirts of the city to seal the heavenly lake from the intruders.

I was restless because it was for the first time that someone had stepped into the pond which was only visible to the royals .. not mere humans or any other creatures .

But still, it wasn't the major issue at this time, because whosoever the intruder is, I will take care of him personally .. and that too not without letting him off without interrogation.

All these things were running in my mind and it had become too chaotic that I barely knew where I had been heading to and I found myself on an empty road which was heading towards the outskirts of the city leading to the town area.

Being even more frustrated, I kicked the tyre of my car and shouted. I wanted to be calm and relaxed. I tried to use my powers to calm myself but in vain. It was like something was off.

In a split second , her face appeared in front of my eyes although she wasn't present here, but I could see her.

Yes, she had been like a bar magnet and I like an iron piece was getting attracted towards her since the day I first saw her. To my utter surprise, I became calm . But what was the reason ? Why was she able to calm my restless mind and heart ? What was the connection. ? I needed to find it out.

And for this I needed to find her and find out everything that is connecting me to her. Yes, I had to locate her. I used my powers to find her location.

I could locate any human with my powers. It's strange but dad always said that I am unique and blessed with unique powers. Being an alpha and would be king of werewolf land, I can find out any werewolf but also the humans too.

But no matter how much harder I tried, I couldn't find her location. How's that even possible ? I remembered that she fainted inside the pool and if it's true then she surely was a human and not any creature .

If I can't locate her, that means that she is not a werewolf and not a human too. Now , I totally am going to find her. But how ...

"Aaaaaaahhhhh ... what the hell is happening today .??"

As Emerald was shouting holding his head because he was already frustrated and to add more to it, he wasn't able to find out the location of Scarlet, suddenly a girl who was looking like a fairy wearing white colored clothes with some patterns of different colors and long waist length fountain like hair with brown eyes appeared in front of him .

It was no wonder and no doubt that she was a heavenly figure , because no other creature in this mortal world could hold such a calm and peaceful aura.

But she looked like a teenager girl who just walked out of a fancy dress competition while holding her imaginary cup which she surely had won with her beautiful face.

She was so pretty and looked like a little fairy. She looked at Emmy who was restless and smiled.

" I can help you find her." she spoke elegantly as if her voice was the purest in this world.

As Emerald listened to her, he peeked at her face and he got it immediately that she wasn't a human , but a fairy from fairy land.

When he was a little pup, his mother used to tell him about all kinds of creatures white ones as well as dark one about which she herself was taught.

So, he knew for sure that fairies also existed. It was a surprising and shocking thing to humans who try to rationalize each and everything logically, but to these mythological people-cum-creatures , they are not any new things.

He bowed in front of her respectfully. Although he was an aloof alpha and a would be king, yet she was a fairy and a woman too. He always respected the other creatures and his ancestors always worshipped goddesses.

“Fairy .. " Before he can say something else, she spoke giggling ...

“ Choice.... My name is choice and I am here to help you alpha . "


Destiny was arranging the wardrobe and immediately stopped when she got aware of the fact that choice had gone to the human world to help Emerald and she murmured raged….

'You dumb girl, you never stop your acts. '