Choice Choose It

Just at the moment choice told her name saying softly and elegantly ..

“ My name is choice... and I can help you to find the one you are looking for alpha."

Emerald got bewildered , remaining perplexed and glued to where he was wondering as how she knew about whom he wants to find.

But his mind had skipped one thing and that was this lady ahead of him wasn’t a simple girl, but she was a fairy who had been keeping track of all the events happening in his life. So, it was quite obvious for her to know everything.

She had a unique character in the whole of fairy land. People used to say that Choice is Choice . She had already been aware of his thoughts and intentions. So , not wasting any more time further, she asked him raising her eyebrows making a slight dancing pattern with them.. ...

" Tell me alpha .. Do you want to find her ?"