Visit To The Royal Castle

As Lady Melanie was standing besides the window and was reminding all the things getting worried for her unborn child, she heard slow and calm footsteps approaching her.

A small and faint smile crept over her thin and pretty lips feeling the warmth of her husband besides her who just came and hugged her softly from behind in order not to hurt the developing baby.

He nuzzled in her neck and started snuggling more into her as if he had been trying to inhale her majestic scent. Being her husband, he was also a fairy who was bestowed with certain powers.

Moreover, he loved his wife way too dearly that he could guess when she was happy and when she was worried. Thus, giving her an assuring look and calm kisses over her soft rosy cheeks, he whispered in her ears...

" What happened Milady..! you look worried.!?"