This Child Will Change Everything

Soon the food was served over the huge dinning table and all the fairies of Cross clan sat over there including the queen mother, the king , the grand queen and the grand king who were the parents of the present king and grandparents of Ester and Ember Cross.

Everyone was happy and in order to celebrate , so many dishes were cooked most of which were According to Melanie's liking.

The first bite was taken by the grand king and this made everyone else to take up their respective spoons and they started having the meals while chattering happily. This was a custom herein The ROYAL CASTLE. The elders eat up first and then the youngers proceeded.

Within no time, they had finished their meals and headed for the waiting hall which was made for the guests but the family also sat there when there was a festival or a function going on . They choose the spot because in no time, the royal priest was going to arrive and tell the fortune of the child.