Leaving For Our Home

The king left in a hurry to find out about Scarlet . It was the name that had came to his knowing the second time, first from his younger son SAMMER who had arranged the patterns on Emmy’s wings to make the word Scarlet and second time from Amyl who had powers and he looked in magical book for clues to find out about relationship of that girl with Emerald.

When this name came second time, the king at once knew that the person named Scarlet is somehow connected to his elder son EMERALD.

He hurried inside his palace in the werewolf land after informing his Luna that he won't come back today as he had some matters to take care of in the werewolf land.

Now, all his concerns and focus were to find out about this girl Scarlet and how she was connected to his son?

May be finding her would also let him know why his son still didn’t get any mate despite of his ripe age to have one!!

Meanwhile in the Wooden house in DAWN MOUNTAINS the old Empress was engrossed in the book