Demon King Davash

Ester leaned near his sleeping wife's ears and whispered softly while caressing her cheeks adorably ..

" Get up my sleeping beauty. we have to leave for our house now. "

Over the other side, the sleeping lady was in a dreamy state and was smiling. So, she didn't bother to get up as she still assumed it to be a dream . She just slowly snuggled and hugged him again before sleeping .

Ester sighed helplessly and muttered under his breath ..

" This girl . .... Now I have to resume to other ways. "

He pecked on her right cheek lovingly and again called her to get up . But she didn't . So, it was his last resort. Hence, he captured her cherry rosy lips into his husky lips and kissed like there was no tomorrow. He was craving for her always these days. But because of her pregnancy, they weren't able to have sex.