The Visions

Egon took a long sigh. He knew it was the time for him to tell Akhim everything. Why was he here! Why was he digging over the past! He sat up again and started to narrate the whole sequence of events which he experienced,

“The day we set out for hunting from Castle….

I was getting ready, and I thought of visiting father’s room before leaving. When I happened to leave from his room after spending some time there, my eyes caught the sight of an years old urn, which had the neck just like a snake, while it’s base was rounded. The artifact looked ancient, very ancient. I was wondering why I didn’t notice it prior to that day.

It was amazing. I wasn’t able to withdraw my eyes. It was like… it was kind of attracting me towards itself. I gave in, and picked it up. Just as I tried to take a good look at it by changing its angles, an off white colored paper fell off from its opening over the ground.