Estella is Missing

Egon had been looking for Estella, since a long time. Even after talking to the native people, he didn’t get any useful information regarding her whereabouts because everyone had the same answer to his question that they didn’t see her, since last night.

First he wasn’t considering it much grave, but now he started to get worried. Roaming here and there even for an hour, he didn’t get to see her. Although, they had been here from 3-4 days, and Estella was aware about the surroundings, but still, there could be dangers lurking anywhere. In this time, her being missing since the last night, was surely a worrisome thing.

The level of his frustration was going up and up, for he started to panic and pull his hairs. Seeing him in this raged and agitated condition, Akhim left all what he had been doing, and approached him immediately asking,

“You… Egon, what happened? You look worried! Is everything alright?!”