Gift From Granny

The duo, Estella and Valor both headed to their way of the Tribal village, when Valor mentioned about Egon and Akhim planning to see a witch who could answer everyone’s questions, and was probably known to help them too.

Estella, and Valor both had their own intentions regarding that witch, as both wanted something. For Estella, it was her long lost family, her dead mother. But for Valor, it was still not so clear.

Here Egon was going insane searching Estella, blaming himself for her sudden disappearance. He was the one who brought her here with him, and she was his responsibility to bear. Now that she was missing, only he himself was to blame for that.

Time was running way too fastly, and it was just one hour left for Egon to head for the Witch’s residence. But he seemed be in no mood to do so. For him, his only priority was to search Estella, and safeguard her at the time being.