Her Identity

“Did you talk to her about me?” Estella hurriedly asked Egon holding his right arm the moment he stepped into the resting house with Akhim after visiting Evanora.

Valor coughed lightly from behind all of them, making a coughing gesture. Estella quickly corrected herself and hastened herself questioning Egon again,

“I mean us…Did you talk to her about us? That we need her help..! What …. What did she say? Is she ready to help us? Will she see us?”

She bombarded Egon with tons of questions, but he was so indulged in grieving his father, and his miserable death, the events that led to it, that he barely replied back her and kept on hanging his head down. Estella frowned her eyebrows getting no response from him, and her hold on his arm tightened almost squeezing him, urging him to answer her questions, at least one of them.