Evanora On Mission

“Estella..!!” Valor composed himself, recollecting each and every bit of courage that he possessed in his whole body, and called out to her, who was still panting and breathing heavily because of the pain she had been experiencing. He had came across her real identity, but still he couldn’t deny the fact that Estella was his friend, and she had helped him stay with the tribal people when he needed it the most. Also, she was the one who persuaded Egon for taking him along.

He somehow still believed that no matter who she really was, in there, it was his friend Estella. Slowly, all the previous memories of her disappearing from the tribe late night and being found in that desolated place alone, helping him heal the wound, and tucking Egon to sleep after making him peaceful, started to flash in his mind. He now understood everything. She possessed enormous powers.