Grand Empress: Grand Step

“You are not understanding this, Jasper. I need to leave as soon as possible.” Grand Empress whispered softly in authoritative tone to her son Jasper who found her sneaking out of the castle even before the morning. Carol and two guards were accompanying her. Only the Empress was proud and not afraid at the moment finding that she was caught by the working King of Werewolves, the others were shaking like dead and fallen leaves under his sharp glares which were sending chills down their spines.

The guards had lowered their heads, and Carol was shrieked. Their fate was now in the hands of King Jasper. Although they worked under Grand Empress, being caught in the territory of kingdom; helping a royal member to sneak out of the palace in the middle of night without the permission of king was a crime. They were destined to be punished. Only the old lady could save them, that too if she went over the board.