The Book Spirit Part I

“What the hell?” The man shouted loudly in his castle throwing all the things off that sandalwood table in one go. His whole body had been radiating deadly aura. The poor cat shrieked in corner out of fear. All the maids and helpers had retreated themselves in the safest corners to save their poor lives, the master was in a very bad mood today.

“Why? Why? Why? Everytime….. everytime, I want to do something, I want to get closer to her, that old lady always interferes in my plans. WHYYYY…?” His ear-piercing voice buzzed in the castle, roaring all around the walls which vibrated in turn. Fear took over every creature. Today, Dankein Cosh was really really enraged. Even the Dark spirits didn’t wish to bother him, let alone their head, the almighty Dark spirit.