The Book Spirit Part II

“What is so surprising? Don’t tell me you haven’t heard about book spirits !” The Diva said maintaining that always plastered smile over her thin lips. She was a divine figure. Press knew that it was no use of pissing her over or arguing with her. She had never heard about that books also possessed the spirits. It was a new thing.

“Why all out of sudden today?” Empress asked her a half-question, but the Diva seemed to understand it fully. She shook her head here and there as if trying to express her getting bored replying back,

“I have come to warn you.”

“Warn me! About?” Empress questioned it with a raised eyebrow. She had immense confidence by now. She knew there was much more to it than it looked at the surface. For the truth to be revealed, she had to obey that Diva at all costs, but with integrity.