Lexington corporation

It wasn’t a hidden thing that all the eyes were darted towards both the girls. They were the only vampires herein. Although some werewolves, witches and shifters were here too, but vampires were represented by only them. The supernatural knew who they were for they had been aware of the mighty princess Calista, King Faust doted over. But for humans, they were the angels.

“Spare him princess. He doesn’t know you.” Another voice echoed in Calista’s ears and she snapped her head towards the source immediately. Gulping the alcohol in one go, she discarded the glass and focused over the other intruder.

This man didn’t look like intruder. He could be anything, but intruder..!! She doubted herself. His perfectly aligned jawbones screamed sexiness of a vampire. She guessed him to have a chiseled chest and tones abs under that white shirt which hugged his body tightly. She grazed over him from head to toe. His burgundy shows attracted her attention.