Fifth Lake Shifters

“I am amazed that you arranged for a meeting so soon. Am I worthy of this princess?” Leevon asked Calista, sitting in front of her in a wine shop inside the borders of ROXFLOOD kingdom. Since king Faust had agreed, she had immediately sent him the message about discussing a business proposal. It wasn’t business that excited her, but Leevon. She wanted to figure out if it was same with Leevon.

“Do you have any doubts, Lee?” She used the politest of her tones to cross-question him clearing his self-doubts.

“I am.” He replied and both of them joined together a smile. The waiter arrived with their wine glasses and some snacks, Calista had ordered; Some prawns and seaweeds preparations.

“I hope this breakfast is to your liking. I don’t know what you prefer the most, but it’s one of the best dishes in my kingdom.” She said arranging his plate. He was looking at her with puzzled eyes. It had been the first time that Calista was arranging foods for someone; let alone a human.