I want you

Moving fast, Calista had already come a long way from the Castle. She knew that king Faust had been keeping a watch over her these days. Evaluating the situation at hand, she planned it smartly. The moment that messenger reported Leevon’s approval for the meeting, she knew she had to go.

She wanted to communicate with King Faust. But given the situation, she didn’t have ample time for that. And she was sure that Faust would never approve of letting her go at this hour. Hence, she ordered to messenger to act. The latter kept Faust busy and she got away in the meantime.

She knew Faust would search her, hence she consumed a pill of Mimica Herb to keep the vampire guards away from her. One pill would render her scent from getting detected for two hours. That would buy her sufficient time to talk with Leevon and explain the things.