Volume VII - The Meeting Part I

“Your Highness, are you certain…you don’t want any soldiers to accompany you? I mean…there could be any wild animals on the hunt. You could need a helping hand…just…in…case.” Trevor insisted Dankein bring along some soldiers, at least two while he was going hunting, but gulped his words when Dankein glared. The man had such a dominating aura that he didn’t even need to say any words aloud. Just a glare was sufficient.

“I am sorry for intruding. And Silvan said that he and Lady Nexus are leaving for the human world today. You won’t be around that time, so he told me to convey…” Trevor said again helping Dankein tighten the reins of the horse that the man was going to ride over. Dankein just nodded and hummed in response. With a swift leap, he hopped over the horse taking control over the reins, and pushed his legs into the zone saying,