We are expecting company

“Oh God, For how long I will be able to hide this from you!” Scarlet whispered to herself while watching her cell phone ring continuously for the past five minutes. She had already ignored Emerald's five calls and this was the sixth one. If she didn’t take it, she had no doubts that the wolf would fly over to check on her leaving everything behind.

Mustering up her courage, she pressed the answer button with her shaking finger and kept the phone more than closer to her left ear only to hear the man over the other side yell,

“What the fuck! Scarlet, baby…are you okay? What took you so long to answer this damn phone. I am worried. Just say something…” His anxious tone was enough to let the girl put her guard on and stop her from doing anything stupid.

He was rushing, worried, and maybe ready to come over to her leaving the currencies behind, but they couldn’t afford this now. She decided to lie. With her shaking and guilty voice, she put a fake smile over her lips saying,