Chapter 50: The Truth

Obed was shocked by the words that came out from the figure. Obed couldn't believe it. "It's okay dear", said his Mum. "You can call me Dora", she continued. Obed then run and clasped his mother and started to cry. his mother then hugged Obed and pat his back. "I see you are improving in your electric ability", said Dora. "I also heard that you killed your killed, I'm impressed", she continued. "Come with me", said Dora. "Let me show you where I live", she continued. Obed then followed his mother to another dimension.

Back to the school, Michael and the crew were anxiously waiting for Obed's return. They thought that by now Obed had been able to control his ability and will now head back to Panster College. So they decided to wait for another one more day.

Meanwhile, Obed and his mum were still in another dimension traveling to his mum's world. "We are here", Dora. "HOLY MOLLY", said Obed. "This place is huge", said Obed. This is where God and demigods live. Obed and Dora eventually arrived at the Castle of the God's. Dora then opened the gate of the castle and the people saw Dora and Obed. As soon as they saw them, the people lowered their heads in respect. "Mum, why are they lowering their heads", said Obed. Dora then went to the throne and sat on it. "Now you understand why they are lowering their heads", said Dora. "You're a God", said Obed system. Obed's system then inspected Dora's ability. After inspection, it then told Obed, "your mother's ability is much more powerful than anyone here". "What kind of ability does she have", said Obed. "Unfortunately I can't tell you", said his system.

"So Magnus, what were you telling Obed", said Obed's mum. "Who's Magnus", said Obed. " I should have known, you don't even know your system name", said Dora. "You know her Magnus", said Obed. "She was the one who made the book for you", said Magnus. "Her ability is a combination of other demigods' abilities. The only ability she doesn't have is your demonic ability", Magnus continued. "So you mean she has my Electric ability", said Obed. "For that one, I don't know", said Magnus.

"So Mum, how can I get to live in this place", said Obed. "I believe it's because of Magnus that's why you can live here", said Dora. "You would have died any second after I brought you here" she continued. "So you mean it's only demigod and God's that can live here", said Obed. "Also where are the other God's", Obed continued. "Well, the other gods will be here in any minute", said Dora. "Each God has a throne so I have my throne", she continued. "So how can I become a demigod Mum", said Obed. "You have to defeat 3 demigods in one match", said Obed. "So if I win, I can become a demigod, right", she Obed. Dora nodded in response. "So what if I lose", said Obed. "THEN WE'LL HAVE TO TAKE AWAY YOUR ABILITY AND KILL YOU", said another God. "You must be Obed Gore, right", said God. "Yes, and you must be", said Obed. "I'm your Great Grand Father", said the old man.

"OMG, does that mean all the Gore family are God's", said Obed. "Yes", said the old man. "So why would you take away my ability and kill me if I lose", said Obed. "It's part of the rules son", said the old man. "A lot of mortals have come here to become demigods but they all died here", said the old man. "Others did not want to become demigods at all", he continued. "So would you line to retreat or become a demigod", said the old man. Obed decided to think about it for a while. After 5 minutes of thinking, Obed then gave his answer, "I will like to be a demigod". Alright son, but make sure you don't lose, said the old man. "We will be sending you to the battlefield for you to fight your opponents", he continued. "Remember, you have only one chance", said Dora. "When that chance elapses and you are defeated, you'll have to die", she continued.

"Okay let's send you to the battlefield son", said the old man.