Chapter 51: Trying To Become A Demigod.

Obed was trembling because he didn't know what kind of demigods he was about to face. "Are you scared", said Dora. "A little", said Obed. Obed was now ferried to the battlefield. The whole place was filled with demigods and other Gods. The gods then left the field and went to their throne. The announcer appeared and said, "WELCOME TO BEING A DEMIGOD BATTLE". "NOW FOR OUR FIRST CONTESTANT, LET'S WELCOME OBED GORE", he continued. Obed entered the stage or should I say the ring. Obed was surprised to see quite a several people coming to watch the match. This is not the first time a mere mortal is coming to fight with demigods to earn a title as demigods. The announcer then continued, "Now, let's welcome our fearsome demigods". They are tough, strong and wise when fighting". "They are undefeated". "Let's welcome, Berry, Silas, and Diana". As soon as the announcer finished saying their names, they arrived at the ringside. Diana had a blonde hair whiles Silas and Berry had a down cut. "NOW WITHOUT A DO, LET THE MATCH COMMENCE", said the announcer. "Diana's ability was a flaming tiger which can reduce one's health by 30%. Silas and Berry are brothers so their ability was an invisible vampire. It can reduce one's health by 40%", said Magnus. The demigods now activated their abilities. Obed eventually then activated his human liquid ability. The ring was sandy so his opponents were able to see his liquid ability. Berry and Silas followed the Obed. Obed saw that he was being followed so he deactivated his liquid ability. As soon as he deactivated his liquid ability, Diana used her ability to wipe out 30% of Obed's health. Obed fell to the ground and spat out blood. Dora got up from her throne but the old man held her hand for Dora to sit down. Obed then saw his health bar and saw that his health has reduced to 70%. As soon as Obed got up, the twins used their vampire ability to suck out Obed's blood. Obed's health bar now reduced his to 30%. "No more hit from the demigods and Obed will die", said the announcer. Dora, Silas, and Berry were tasting victory. Obed was still on the ground and said to himself, "so is this how it's going to end". "I'm I going to die like this", he continued. Magnus then said to Obed, " why don't you use your demonic ability". Obed smiled and got up on his feet. He pointed at Silas and Berry and said to them, "you bitches are gonna die". Silas and Berry got angry and run towards Obed. "It's time", Obed said to himself. Obed then activated his demonic ability and used it against Silas and Berry. Silas and Berry were now affected by Obed's ability. Obed and Silas were now under Obed's command. The whole crowd was shocked at the ability that Obed used. "What kind of ability is that", said Diana. "Don't forget you are dealing with a demon prince", said Obed. Obed then summoned Silas and Berry as slaves to attack Diana. Silas and Berry used their vampire ability to suck Diana's blood. Diana's HP was now reduced to 60%. Obed smiled at Diana whiles Diana got super angry. Diana then upgraded her ability and was so powerful to eliminate anyone. Obed summoned Silas and Berry to attack Diana again. Diana used her ability to kill Silas and Berry. "OMG, SILAS AND BERRY US DEAD. IRS NOW LEFT WITH OBED AND DORA. WHO'S GONNA WIN THIS BATTLE", said the announcer. Diana raced her ability towards Obed and attacked at Obed. Obed managed to dodge but had a scratch on his shoulder. This has gotten too far. Obed used his electricity to form the bread and ate it. After eating, his eyes and dress changed. Diana raced towards Obed for an attack but the attack was blocked by Obed's electric ability. Obed's eyes were now electric and his dress was dazzling white. "What? another ability", said Diana. "How many do you even have", she continued. Obed didn't talk which angered Obed. Diana used her ability to attack Obed this time. As soon as she attacked, her ability was absorbed. "An absorption ability", gasp Obed and Diana. "I told you before after you control your ability, you will receive a notification", said Magnus. "So this is the ability", said Obed. Diana then kicked Obed in the gut and went back. "You leave me no choice Diana", said Obed. Obed rose in the air and used his electric ability to form an electric ball. He made the electric ball big enough for Diana not to escape. Obed then released the ball straight at Diana. "I'm a demigod, and I can't die easily", said Dora. Diana then kicked the ball and it went outside the ring and blasted. Obed was shocked. How was she able to kick the electric ball. "Don't forget she's a demigod", said Magnus. "I think this fight continues", said Diana. "I never knew Diana could do that", said Dora. This made Obed's eyes even scarier than before. "I'm Obed Gore, and I'm gonna become a demigod", said Obed. "We'll see about that", said Diana.