Chapter 52: I'm a Demigod

Obed and Diana were still in the ring. In our previous chapter, Diana was able to block Obed's electric ball. Obed knew that he could not absorb any more ability and that he could only have one ability. Obed and Diana fought like they were fighting for a higher throne. Then Diana transferred her ability to her leg and kicked in the face. Blood started to drip from Obed's head. Obed then became angry like a wild tiger. "You leave me no choice", said Obed. Obed then combined his electric ability and his demonic ability to form a spear. "That spear can move in many directions by you controlling it", said Magnus. Obed smiled and threw the spear directly to Diana. Diana used her ability to form a barrier to block the spear but the spear was more powerful than Diana's ability. The spear eventually broke the barrier and pierced Diana in the stomach. The crowd and the gods were shocked by the spear Obed was possessing. "A mortal handling this kind of spear, how possible", said Diana. Obed then came close to Diana and redrew his spear. "I THINK WE HAVE A WINNER", said the announcer. Obed then helps Diana onto her feet. "It's nice fighting with you Diana", said Obed. Diana then asked Obed a question, "Are you Obed Gore? Because when we were fighting, I heard you saying, Obed Gore". Obed then turned to Diana and answered, "Yes, I'm Obed Gore. Is there any problem with that". Diana's face fell when she heard the response from Obed. "Then I'm afraid to tell you that we're cousins", said Diana. "WHAT!!!. Then why did you choose to fight me? Also, are Silas and Berry also our cousins", said Obed. "Silas and Berry ate not our cousins but I am. I told mum to let me fight you and she agreed", said Diana. Obed then raised his head looked at his mother and frowned his face. "Well, you're now a demigod Obed", said Diana. Obed and Diana exited the ringside and there appeared Dora and Obed's great grandfather. "You won the fight son, well done", said Dora. From there, the old man formed a stick and blessed Obed. "You are now officially a Demigod", said the old man. Obed's appearance began to change. Obed's height increased and his face was now masculine. Obed's dress changed to a demonic and an electric costume. His strength and HP increased and his system was now updated. "I'm now a demigod", said Obed. "You must be careful because the aliens will be coming on you", said Dora. "It's time for you to depart to your world son", said the old man. Obed smiled and went to Diana and said "I hope we'll meet one day". Diana then cried and hugged Obed. Diana then gave Obed a device that he can use to contact her. Obed then went to his mum and hugged her. "I'm going to miss you son", said Dora. After hugging his mother, he went to his grandfather. "Dad, I have one request", said Obed. "The day that I come here, I want to become a God", he continued. Obed's grandfather then placed his hands on Obed. "Your request will be granted soon, but it'll not be an easy task", said Obed's grandfather. Obed then hugged his Dad and stepped aside. His Dad then used his staff to banish Obed to his world. "Stay safe son", said his Dad.

After some few minutes, Obed was brought to his school. His face was no more masculine and his strength was not at first. "What happened the strength Magnus", said Obed. "It appears that it occurs only if you are in a battle mode", replied Magnus. Obed was still in his costume so he snapped his fingers and his costume changed to his school uniform. Obed was happy that he was now a demigod. Obed checked his pocket to see if the device that Diana gave him was there. "Is here", smiled Obed. Obed then raced into the school and raced to his dormitory. When he entered the room, he saw that it was empty. Obed began to wonder where else could his friends be. Obed decided to head to Barns' room. As soon as got there, he heard his friend's voice.

"Obed, you're back," said his friends. "Where did you go?", said Barns. "We were worried about you", said Florence. "Take it easy guys one at a time", said Obed. But first I just want you all to know that I'm sorry for that sudden change that occurred at the park. Also, I want to tell you all that I'm now


What's a demigod, said Linda.