Chapter 53: Life Sucker Back To VR Room But With New And Advanced Abilities.

"You don't know what a demigod is", said Obed. "Are you for real", he shouted. "A Demigod is a being with partial or lesser divine status, such as a minor deity, the offspring of a god and a mortal, or a mortal raised to divine rank", said Obed. That's the definition of a demigod. "What happened before you became a demigod", said Angel. Obed smiled and replied, "I went to see my mum in a different dimension. To become a demigod I had to fight with three demigods in which one of them was my cousin. I defeated them and my great grandfather made me a demigod", said Obed. After Obed finished saying his side of the story, Barns then replied, "so is there any new ability or something". Obed answered Burns's question by nodding his head. "Can you at least show it to us", said Michael. "I wish I could but I can only show it in a battle mode", replied Obed. "But if you want to see it, then why don't we go to the VR room. That's where you will see my new ability", he continued. Obed's friends including Burns agreed to follow Obed to the VR room.

A few moments later, they arrived at the VR room. "Now, all that I need is an opponent", said Obed. Florence, Angel, Joyce, Michael, and Chris shot up their hands high. "I need a strong opponent", smiled Obed. Soon the hands began to reduce one by one. Then Barns decided to challenge Obed because, in their last match, Obed defeated Barns and Barns wanted his revenge. The two opponents then showed their cards to the system. "Welcome Life Sucker", said the system. "Everyone look, it's Life Sucker", said a student. The whole VR room became crowded to witness Life Sucker. Most of the third years were also at the event to witness the fight.

"3,2,1, FIGHT", said the system.

Barns' ability leveled up and formed a spear. He threw the spear towards Life Sucker. Before life Sucker could have dodged, the spear had pierced his stomach. This time Obed was bleeding but the color of his blood was not red but blue. "How come his color is blue", thought Barns. Life Sucker got up and his cut started to heal by itself. "That's incredible, his cut is healing", said Barns. Soon Barns raced towards Obed transferred his ability to his leg and kicked Life Sucker by the head. Life Sucker was down and out cold and was not moving. "AND YOUR WINNER IS BARNS", said the system. Obed then exited the pod and confronted Barns. "Nice fight", Obed winked at Barns. Barns knew that Obed did that intentionally. "Obed, we saw no new abilities", said Linda. Then another third-year named Dan with his squad surrounded Obed in the VR room. He was the senior bully in this school. Dan came in front of Obed and punched him in the gut. "Who do you think you are dweeb", said Dan.

Obed then looked at Dan in the face and said, "If you really wanna get hurt, then don't touch me again". Dan and his squad started to laugh at Obed. "And what will you do, punch me", said Dan. Immediately, Dan headbutted Obed and Obed fell onto the ground. Obed's got angry and his eyes were now turning electric. The bulbs and the windows in the VR room started to shatter. Obed's dressing was changing from his school uniform to a demonic electric robe. Obed's height and face changed. Everyone was shocked by Obed's new look. Dan immediately became scared and took heels. "Obed is that you", said Barns. "This is the new me. In this form, I'm now referred to as Life Sucker", said Obed. Obed then showed then the spear after combining his electric ability and demonic ability. Obed then snapped his fingers and returned to his normal self. His height reduced and his masculine face reduced. The students in the VR room were shocked by Obed's ability.