Chapter 59: Obed Claims The Demonic Ability And Joyce Dies

The fight began as Joyce, the demon princess raced towards Obed. The fight seemed to be brutal as Joyce and Obed were bleeding from their head, hands, shoulders. Joyce then used her demonic ability to blast Obed from where he was standing. " Master, HP reduced to 20", said Magnus. Joyce approached Obed and she threw all her anger on Obed for killing her mother. Obed was beaten and you could see sores on Obed's face.

Meanwhile, with the fight between Ellen and Diana, the fight was intense as Diana transferred all her ability to her leg. She kicked Ellen by the kicked and Ellen fell to the ground. Ellen was down and unconscious. Diana then approached Ellen and held her by the head. "It's time for you to die", said Diana. Diana then used her ability to form a spear and cut off Ellen's head. Joyce turned around and saw that her twin has been brutally killed. Joyce became angrier as the whole place in the realm became very dark. Diana started to race towards Joyce but when she got there, Joyce struck her with a demonic ability that Obed haven't seen before when he was the demon prince. Diana eventually fell to the ground and was bleeding. "DIANA", said Obed as he crawled to where Diana was. Obed touched her by the head and he cried out loud. Soon, Diana's eyes started to fade as she said an important thing to Obed. "Kill her." After saying this, Diana's eyes shut. Obed anger was more than Joyce's own. Soon, Obed looked at Joyce and his eyes started to glow electric. Obed left Diana and rose. "This has to end", said Obed. Obed's outfit was changed completely as he rose in the air. "Master, enabling demigod abilities", said Magnus. Soon Obed outfit combined with electric and a demigod ability. Obed soon Obed's change was complete. OB then came to the ground and looked at Joyce. Joyce wasn't scared at Obed's new look. Joyce also decided to level up her ability. She grew horns and also her outfit changed to a skeletal outfit. "Wtf", said Obed. "Never seen this level up before", said Magnus. After leveling up her ability, she then looked at Obed and said, "Now we are good to go." Obed and Joyce charged at each other. Obed used his electric ability on Joyce and Joyce fell to the ground. "That electric power is all I need", thought Joyce. Obed then summoned an electric ball and threw it in the direction of Joyce but she managed to dodge. Joyce was quicker than her normal self due to the level-up she used.

"Now it's my turn", said Joyce. Joyce used her demonic ability to form a shadow dragon. She then used the shadow dragon on Obed. Obed used his electric ability to block the dragon. Joyce then split the dragon in 3's and now Obed had nowhere to go. It seems that Obed's attire was starting to wear off due to the shadow dragon. Obed then got made and released an electric wave which caused the shadow dragons to disappear. Also, Joyce was trying to dodge the waves but was being hit by the waves. Joyce then got up and wiped the blood off her mouth.

Joyce then used her ability to clone herself into different versions of herself. Obed was now confused as to which one was the real Joyce. Obed didn't have that ability to confirm the real Joyce. Obed then used his ability as a demigod to form a golden spear. "Where did he get that spear from", said Joyce. "Don't forget that I'm a demigod", replied Joyce. Obed then threw the spear to the clones of Joyce and used his fingers to control his spear. Soon, the clones of Joyce started to fade away one by one and used to erase all the clones of Joyce. Now the real Joyce was revealed. Joyce then picked up a fight with Obed's spear. Joyce sustained a few injuries from Obed's spear. Joyce then managed to kick Obed's spear to him back. Joyce then raced towards Obed and gave him a wicked kick to his heart which made Obed cough blood. Obed was beaten again by Joyce and was thrown around the place like a piece of the rubbish dump being thrown in a dumpster. Magnus then replied by saying, " Master, the transforming ability, use it." As soon as Joyce raised her leg for the last kick, Obed caught her leg and threw her somewhere. Obed then got up and activated his transformation ability.

Soon Obed's appearance changed into his father's image. Obed's voice changed as well as his outfit. "This is Obed's father's image. But how", said Joyce. Soon Obed activation was complete. Joyce then raced towards Obed who was now in his father's image and was ready to fight him. Joyce kicked Obed in the gut but eventually, Obed didn't move. Joyce then kicked Obed again and again but he didn't move a muscle. "Now it's my turn", said Obed. Obed then kicked Joyce which sent her flying in the air. Obed then teleported and held Joyce by the head and kicked her again. Obed hit the ground hard and was bleeding. Obed used her demonic ability on Obed but nothing happened. Obed then used his father's ability to form cloth. The cloth eventually was an ability sucker. The cloth-covered Joyce and Obed finally were able to retrieve his demonic ability. Obed stored it in his system but did not use it. Eventually, Joyce returned to herself as well as Obed. Diana, who was lying unconscious during the whole fight started to gain consciousness. Soon we got up to her feet and saw Obed standing whiles Joyce was on the ground. Soon, Diana went to where Obed was and then Obed said, "finally, you gained consciousness." Joyce then pleaded with Obed not to kill her that she was being wrong. Obed didn't want to listen to Joyce's words so she commanded Diana to finish the job. Diana then transferred all her ability to her leg and kicked Joyce hard in the neck. Then Joyce died. Obed then went to the ground and wept bitterly and soon he fainted. Diana then looked at Obed and said to herself, "Obed us truly a hero. Then Joyce opened a portal and they all disappeared.

Later, Lucifer showed up and saw the dead bodies of Joyce and Ellen. "Useless, absolutely useless", said Lucifer. "Obed Gore, your next opponent", will be your nightmare then he disappeared.