Chapter 58: A Demigod Vs A Demon Princess.

Now that we have the demonic ability, I would like to give you the demonic ability. Ellen broke the glass in which the demonic power was in and gave Joyce the demonic power. As Joyce took it, she ate it and her eyes were now black and her dressing changed to black. "All hail the demon king", said Ellen. Everyone in the demonic bowed down their heads to the new demon princess. "Now, no one is going to stand in my way", said Joyce as she made her wicked laugh. "I'm afraid I'm not late I'm I", said Obed. "Who's there", said Ellen. Then the portal opened and Obed band Diana jumped out from the portal and is then closed. "What are you two doing here and most importantly, you are supposed to be dead Obed," said Joyce's mother. "I'm afraid, not dead", said Obed as he gave a slight smile. "I'm going to end this", he continued. Joyce immediately called out her troops. The troops surrounded Obed and Diana. "I'm afraid this is the end of your life again", said Joyce. Joyce commanded her troops to attack Obed. Obed smiled and used his electric ability to kill all the troops who were surrounding him. "This is going to be fun", said Obed. Obed's eyes started to glow electric as his outfit began to change. Obed then rose in the air and his black hair changed to white and his outfit also changed to white. "Joyce then got up from her throne and talked to Joyce. "Mum, you take Obed, Ellen, take Obed's cousin", commanded Joyce. "With pleasure", replied her mother. Joyce's mother flew in the direction of Obed and Ellen flew in the direction of Diana. "You're here to claim back the demonic ability but I'm afraid I can't let you have it. Joyce's mother activated her ability and she turned into a demonic dragon. Obed was stunned by what he had just seen. "A demonic dragon", said Obed.

Meanwhile, Ellen and Diana were staring at each other. "I'm going to kill you like the way you treated Obed", said Diana. "And do you think you can kill me". Ellen activated her ability and used it to form a sword. Diana also used her ability to form a sword. Diana and Ellen started their fight whiles Obed and Joyce's mother began her fight. Joyce's mother who was now a dragon carried Obed using her claws and slammed him onto the ground. "Master, you must do something now", said Magnus. "You are bleeding, you must do something", Magnus panicked. The dragon then placed her claw on Obed's chest and she looked at Joyce. "KILL HIM", said Joyce. The dragon then turned to look at Obed and was ready to bring out fire from its mouth. Just as the dragon was coming to throw the flames at Obed, Obed raised his hand and summoned lightning from the sky. The lighting then struck the dragon and the dragon fell to Obed's right side. Obed then received a notification from Magnus saying"Kill the dragon to gain more strength and HP." Obed smiled and used his lighting to form an electric sword. "This has to end", said Obed. Obed then leaped into and the with his electric sword and the dragon was on the aiming at Obed to throw its flame. Obed threw its sword at the dragon and he landed on the ground. The dragon breathed out flames from her mouth to the sword for it to melt but the sword was too powerful to melt. The sword ended up cutting off Joyce's mother's head and the sword was with a combination of both electricity and fire. Obed walked towards the dragon and took out his sword.

Dragon defeated.

HP increased.

Strength increased.

New skill unlocked.

New weapon in your inventory.

Obed saw his notifications and smiled and looked at Joyce. "It's now you and me Joyce", said Obed. Ellen and Joyce were shocked to see their mother dead. The dragon then started to wear off and it returned to its human shape. Ellen run to her mother and held her, then the body disappeared. "You'll pay for this said, Ellen and Joyce. "Well, this is going to be a fight of my life", said Obed.

A Demigod Vs A Demon Princess.